Sentences with phrase «commercial time»

However, it is important to work to commercial time scales as well, and sometimes juggling the two can be rather tough!
Running 31 minutes, this was nearly the full hour - long episode, considering commercial time.
While the fight scenes were well - staged, I couldn't help but think of beer commercials every time the camera provided an exterior shot of the train.
You've essentially gotten free commercial time just through your involvement in a particular industry.
That 5 - inch Dell mini-tablet we saw in a leaked video last month looked like it had U.S. spec 3G, and now a Chinese - language Commercial Times report suggests the touchscreen device will be part of a new series headed to AT&T.
Digitimes cites the Chinese - language Commercial Times reporting that:
It also makes money by selling commercial time on the channel to real estate — related companies such as movers.
They redefined corporate underwriting of programs to include the sale of actual commercial time for specific products, like Juicy Juice, as sponsors of children's programming.
ABC predicted an average 5 rating when it set its rate in selling commercial time to advertisers at $ 30,000 per 30 - second spot.
But there's one more deal of note, for commercial time in the nascent Vice TV network, as Mr. Smith told The New York Times:
Previously, it was thought that LG was in the race for the Pixel 3, though Commercial Times does not elaborate as to why.
Match bought commercial time during the Olympics to promote «The Stir,» as it calls its gatherings.
A report from Commercial Times, a Chinese newspaper, claims that this Tegra 3 quad - core - equipped HTC tablet will release sometimes in the third quarter of 2012.
The U.S. government was paying more attention to children's ads, and in 1990 enacted the Children's Television Act (CTA), limiting the amount of commercial time during kids» programming.
On Thursday, DigiTimes learned from Chinese - language publication Commercial Times that Taiwanese company Lite - On Semiconductor has received orders for GPP bridge rectifiers.
Taiwanese news outlet Commercial Times reported Google has nearly completed an acquisition of HTC, the smartphone maker that builds the Google Pixel.
If your child is stuck in a pasta, nugget, boiled rice or potato mash commercial time warp, here are three no - nag ways to ward off an oncoming meal - time battle and have them eating out of your hands.
The telecast of her victory on NBC featured some incredibly unfortunate commercial timing.
Some of the action is so over-the-top it draws the desired laughs from the audience, but be prepared for lots of gun play and plenty of Chevy commercial time.
A report from Chinese based Commercial Times...
J. Morrison's show title and theme are a play off the «12 Days of Christmas» and in modern commercial times the «25 Days of Christmas,» giving an artist's alternative view of holiday consumerism.
Years of dealing with companies that range from blue chips to start ups, serial entrepreneurs to SMEs give us not just legal experience but the commercial insights and best practice to support you through challenging commercial times.
Interestingly, Taiwanese news site Commercial Times last week reported that Google is in the final stages of acquiring HTC's smartphone business.
DigiTimes relayed the claim, which cited a Daiwa Securities analyst when it first appeared in Chinese - language newspaper Commercial Times on Thursday.
«Now almost any budget can afford local commercial time on top national stations,» Herder says.
Sometimes commercial some times homes but all that are eligible for the historic registry, some things to consider:
HTC is once again in the running, along with current Blackberry producer TCL, and Coolpad, according to Chinese publication Commercial Times, by way of Digitimes.
The company is also planning exclusive musical offerings this year from Garth Brooks, and will air over two minutes of commercial time during the Country Music Awards on Nov. 2.
According to a new Chinese - language Commercial Times report, the Apple iPhone supplier Pegatron is now working with Microsoft to produce Surface devices and is now ready to begin trial production of Surface Phone.
Details are limited for the time being, but DigiTimes cites a report from Chinese - language Commercial Times in stating that a quad - core Tegra 3 tablet from HTC will be unveiled at the show and will launch some time before the end of the third quarter.
Relaying news from Chinese - language Commercial Times, Digitimes says that TSMC has started mass production of the 10nm FinFET chips this quarter.
Are sponsors beginning to wonder why they should pay entertainers millions of dollars inn order to get 12 minutes out of every 60 of commercial time, when they can «pay» for the «program» and get the whole 30 minutes?
Starting with the value of the show's commercial time, and factoring in elements like clarity of picture, time on screen, and the product's connection to the story line, it arrives at a dollar figure.
That's right: As TV networks and media buyers get ready to begin the high - stakes upfront negotiations for ad time in just the 2015 - 16 TV season, Vice says it has already «effectively» locked in deals for all its commercial time for three seasons.
«I can't turn on my TV for any show without all the commercial time being filled with these nasty messages,» a visiting friend from swing - state Ohio complained last week.
Cruise is the title character, a top - of - the - line sports agent and glad - handing huckster who sounds like he's doing a commercial every time he opens his mouth.
HTC will release a high - end Nexus tablet in the third quarter of 2014, according to a report by The Commercial Times.
While there is an argument that streaming gives The Game Awards more freedom, they could raise money with the commercial times and thus obtain a bigger budget.
They could be left to commercial times, whether on television or continued streaming.
This specific report from DigiTimes even cites a different report from the Commercial Times which claims HTC has entered the final stage of negotiation with Google for selling its smartphone business unit.
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