Sentences with phrase «commissioned salesperson»

A commissioned salesperson is someone who earns a salary or payment based on the sales they make. Their income is directly linked to the amount of products or services they sell. Full definition
There are some great advisers out there, but others are little more than commissioned salespeople who only sell the mutual funds offered by the bank they work for.
If it's a hard fiduciary standard, it would kill the sales of annuities by commissioned salespeople.
That's been the way of commission salespeople from the beginning!
Some have years of training, but others are no more than commissioned salespeople just out of school.
Beware of commissioned salespeople in advice clothing — although they can be a quick solution to the having - too - much - money problem.
For the most part, they're brokers (and thereby fully commissioned salespeople), whose main objective is to make as much money for their firm and for themselves.
I was in fact working for them, but, I was working initially for my sales numbers... as most commissioned salespeople are wont to do.
The problem is that most investors pay too much for active management, largely because the fund industry is driven by commissioned salespeople.
Commissioned salespeople with less background knowledge seemingly do not have that problem, if it is a problem for them in the first place.
30/18 Highway / City MPG 18 / 30mpg Come to Burien Nissan and visit with one of our non-commissioned Product Specialists and you'll never deal with a pushy commissioned salesperson again!
Visit with one of our non-commissioned Product Specialists and you'll never deal with a pushy commissioned salesperson again!
Through tipping, servers effectively become commissioned salespeople, enticed to add to customers» experience and company sales.
Button pushing careless speed - merchant Realtors are a symptom of the system of churning out too many commissioned salespeople masquerading as professionals.

May 1990 to November 2012

Commissioned Salesperson — Men's Suits
Barney's, New York, New York

Sales Experience

March 2013 to Present

Commissioned Salesperson — Fine Jewelry
Macy's Department Store, New York, New York
  • Sell men's and women's jewelry, develop positive customer relations, provide sales promotion support for upper management, and maintain a product inventory worth up to $ 3 million.
    I long ago tired of traditional brokerages with their various commission splits and had joined the ranks of 100 percent commission salespeople — but that didn't satisfy me, either, since most of my referrals had never heard of the company (even though it's international).
    Commissioned salespeople are under the most stress.
    A commissioned salesperson leads with sales.
    This is different from a commissioned salesperson, who earns money when they sell a financial product, such as life insurance or a mutual fund.
    Upon hearing that Sally is flush with cash, the commissioned salesperson suggests that Sally purchase a bio-tech mutual fund.
    Though the commissioned salesperson does not receive any compensation from Sally directly, he will receive a commission from the mutual fund company.
    Enter the financial advisors: the fiduciary, and the commissioned salesperson.
    I fear that if the commissioned salesperson must [only] disclose that they're getting a commission, it will be a form of «fiduciary standard lite» and buried in some other disclosure.
    We also know what people don't want: high overhead retail locations, middlemen, variable pricing and commissioned salespeople.
    We are locally owned, there are no commissioned salespeople and we don't need to charge hidden fees like dealer handling.
    Your book appears in an annual Promotional Catalog used by 5,000 commissioned salespeople who sell to known buyers.
    That leaves smaller investors with the choice of managing on their own — which most aren't equipped to do — or working with commissioned salespeople.
    This makes the negatively amortizing COFI ARMs a great financial tool for homeowners (especially for people with unsteady income, such as self - employed or commissioned salespeople).
    Group plans are marketed by commissioned salespeople.
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