Sentences with phrase «commit sins against»

Romans 1:26 - 27 tells us that humans have a sinful nature, and therefore commit sins against God.
Religion should not be in intwined into politics or forced on others, it can not be force feed or it will not be absorbed, a good example that religion does not always make things right is all you have to do is look at the catholics priest that are around religion 24/7 — eat and sleep it, yet they commit sins against young boys.
The pastors would say it was King Solomon who was prophesied in 2 Samuel 7:12 - 14 but he wasn't flogged by men when he committed sin against God.
Were those Catholic bankers who charged non-excessive rates of interest before the popes reexamined the question really committing sins against nature?
The unforgivable sin is when you know that Jesus is the savior and the way to heaven with certainty (say if God has spoken to you) and then commit a sin against him believing that Jesus is not the way to heaven.
So when one Christian accuses a church leader of doing something evil or wrong, the pastor often feels justified in retorting the same way Jesus did, and accuses his accusers of committing a sin against the Holy Spirit.
For they are «God's anointed» and if you do question them, then maybe you are committing the sin against the Holy Spirit and will end up damned for all eternity as a result.
«Then I proceed to show him in the Word that he is a sinner, that he needs a Savior because he has committed a sin against the Holy God by getting drunk» (p. 71).
In turn, Jesus accuses these religious leaders of being close to committing a sin against the Holy Spirit, or blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
It will certainly take some fleshing out, though I don't think Jesus committed any sin against God which made Him deserving of death.
I feel that we are committing a sin against humanity and against our countrymen.
Apparently, they committed some sin against the Joker in the past - one they have no recollection of - and so the Joker vows revenge.
But as environmental scientist Jesse Ausubel argues in his landmark paper, «The Liberation of the Environment,» human beings have been committing sins against the environment for thousands of years.

Not exact matches

While a paltry few of the hysterically accused may have committed crimes against man, what they did is most certainly NOT a sin in either in the Bible or in God's eyes.
Two comments.One, the atheist / materialist claims that he / she... «Did «nt believe in free will»... O.K.Should we take that to mean some mindless, heretofore unknown force apllied those words in your behalf?Did someone put the proverbial «gun to your head «and force you to post your comments?we await you presumably forced answer with bated breath.Two.As for Mr.Gingrich, beware.Politics aside, the one question yet remains for Calista: How did you, a professed «devout «Roman Catholic, carry on a 6 - year affair with a man you knew was married?How does that square with the Biblical prohibition against committing adultery?Oh wait!I know!As a «devout «Roman Catholic you can sin with impunity; just go to your priest, say a couple of «hail Marys and Our Fathers», ask the priest to bless your sinning, and resume.Of course!I had forgetton how easily Catholics excuse their trangressions (ex opere operato, anyone).
It also teaches that abuse is evil and that offenses against children are most vile, that victims are innocent, and that when an actual sin is committed, repentance is possible.
Best Conversation: The authors of Forgive Us: Confessions of a Compromised Faith led an informative and challenging «teach in» on Twitter Wednesday night focusing on sins committed against women and girls and featuring a range of guests, including myself, Mimi Haddad, Deborah Brunt, Úna F. Lucey - Lee, Gail Song Bantum, and many others.
The biggest sin that most of us muslims have committed is not speaking loudly enough against those who act that way.
And if God doesn't charge you for the sin you commit against Him, nobody will.
Would the Lord Jesus have warned against a sin that could not be committed?
«Until we know the power of divine grace, we read in the Bible concerning eternal punishment, and we think it is too heavy and too hard, and we are apt to kick against it, and find out some heretic or other who teaches us another doctrine; but when the soul is really quickened by divine grace, and made to feel the weight of sin, it thinks the bottomless pit none too deep, and the punishment of hell none too severe for sin such as it has committed.
Visit my site to learn the sin the church is committing against our Lord.
GOD clearly warns those who worship Jesus as god and threatens them with eternal punishment, as it is the GREATEST SIN and OPPRESSION that a person can commit against GOD.
Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, maker of all things, judge of all men: We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness, which we from time to time most grievously have committed, by thought, word, and deed, against thy divine Majesty, provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us.
one of mine said «burn church» I didn't ever know of this sin until recently and knew nothing about my religion I said to him you know I didn't mean that he said yes and I never really thought about it until now I prayed God to forgive me for all of my Sins I don't even know has many times but not once thought about this I had no intention to go against him and I repented for it not long after I thought of it but what bothers me is I didn't know of this sin and wasn't ever worried I honestly had absolutely no intention behind it and never thought about it have I commited this sin?
They teach that if someone is doing something by the power of the Holy Spirit, and someone else says they are doing it by the power of the devil, that this is a sin against the Holy Spirit, and those who commit this sin will never be forgiven.
Churches and pastors who participate in miracles and prophecies don't like to be told that they are being controlled by the devil, and so they often counter with the argument that anyone who says that something is of the devil when it is actually from God is committing a blasphemous sin against the Holy Spirit and will never be forgiven of such a sin.
If you steal, commit adultery, etc. you sin against only yourself and those immediately involved, not a whole society.
Well it means that I can not commit grevious acts of hatred against others or be self - serving in my sin.
But if the priest is truly repentant, he knows that this humiliation is inadequate reparation for the sin he has committed against the child and against God, and will accept it willingly.
Every other sin that a man may commit is outside his body, but he that practices fornication is sinning against his own body.
One popular view about the unforgivable sin, or the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, is that it is committed when a person denies Christ.
Perhaps it is because many of us struggle to find words adequate to lament those sins committed against indigenous people, African Americans, immigrants, women, and other marginalized groups throughout American history.
For one discovers sin only when one knows the one against Whom it is committed — the one who meets us in the forgiveness Wrought in Christ's cross.
A few days ago, I laid in my bed crying out to God for forgiveness of the sins that I committed against him.
Every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body.
Usually, they have heard some fire and brimstone sermon about the unpardonable sin or the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and because of the book I have written on the subject, people contact me because they are scared out of their mind that they have committed this sin.
With his own sense of «should,» John Paul has moved mountains to help rescue Orthodoxy from the oppression of international atheism while seeking forgiveness for those sins that Catholics have committed against the Orthodox.
It's always easy to scream against imagined «sins» that you can't possibly commit yourself.
The sin of rebelling against God through the violation of the integrity of creation, through the destruction of the beauty and harmony of the Korean peninsula, was ultimately committed by military - industrial elites in collaboration with these superpowers, with Western European and North American colonial powers, and with Japan in Asia.
So are you saying, Tiggy, that if people are committing suicide because the church preaches against sin, the church should stop preaching against a particular sin?
In a world where the religious spend a signficant amount of time pointing out the sins of others while claiming that they are in relationship with the One who has set the moral standards... and then a significant number of them commit one of the most heinous of crimes against children and have leaders spend significant effort at covering it up...
On Rosh Hashanah, committed Jews follow ancient wisdom in announcing that they, too, are against sin.
«Jesus Christ died for our sins (wrongs against God)» I haven't committed these sins, so you want me to imagine I committed a crime to start with.
We also seem to have settled into the assumption that nobody ever commits a mortal sin and that St Paul was speaking in purely hypothetical terms when he warned against receiving Holy Communion unworthily (1 Cor 11:27).
Leaders of these ministries sometimes state if other people write off supernatural healings, demonic exorcisms, and the gift of tongues as possibly coming from the devil, such people deny the power of the Holy Spirit and commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which supposedly is the unforgivable sin.
To redeem, rescue, and deliver humanity from the sin and violence that we have always committed against each other (but blamed God for doing).
The warning of Jesus against this sin in Matthew 12 seems to indicate that one commits it intentionally; not accidentally.
I don't consider my wrong doings as sin, because from my perspective, sin is a religious term, and sin is committed primarily against God, whom I do not believe exists.
The second act is to forgive the sin another person has committed against you.
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