Sentences with phrase «commit them to memory even»

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Even though entrepreneurs aren't committing complex codes to memory, improving one's memory skills can be beneficial.
Many an evening, before and afterward, he would sit in our living room after dinner and respond to the invitation to recite some poetry ¯ especially Yeats ¯ and he would demur, and wisecrack, and then launch out into thirty or forty minutes of long ballads he had committed to memory.
The officially approved textbooks are such that if pupils committed every page to memory they would not know even the most basic Catholic truths.
«An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know.
We can commit a face to memory with a single viewing, and even if we see that face only once its memory can stay fresh for years.
We can commit a face to memory with a single glance, and even if we see that face only once its memory can stay fresh for years.
There's even a dash of the free running from Mirror's Edge, whose gameplay beats can be felt here as you mutter to yourself ``... under bridge, into sewer, through spinning fan, out of tunnel, hard right, steep climb, avoid branches, through building...» Moves that you've committed to memory in an effort to secure the full complement of three stars from one of 17 Expert Challenges and 23 Story Missions.
Whether or not Anna deserves to be committed must be left for the film itself to reveal; what is clear is the commitment of the cast and crew to a labyrinthine plot which is worth exploring, even if the ending leaves you wishing you could call a «memory detective» to explain it to you.
Having music playing in the background of your eLearning course can help your online learners retain more information and even commit it to their long - term memory.
You might even create a list of things, commit them to memory, and be ready to share them — OK, brag about them — whenever the opportunity arises.
These systems always seemed work well for me, and it only takes a few hours of driving to commit even the more complicated operations to memory, right?
As she commits scenes, colors, even brushstrokes to memory, the paintings come alive.
So whether you want to go through this article once, twice, three times, bookmark this page, or even print it out and hang it on your bathroom mirror, we recommend not only committing a lot of this information to memory but
So whether you want to go through this article once, twice, three times, bookmark this page, or even print it out and hang it on your bathroom mirror, we recommend not only committing a lot of this information to memory but actually acting on it.
These rules are even too complex for many financial industry professionals, who also do not understand them and have not committed them to memory.
With Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory you'll follow Keisuke Amazawa, the main protagonist accused of a crime he didn't commit, who will have to dive into the Digital World and investigate to prove his innocence, even if that means joining a group of hackers and help them to solve the troubles threatening this mysterious universe.
Even after a delay of up to fifty - five minutes, listeners were better able to remember words preceded by a verbal filler.86 Jean E. Fox Tree, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, obtained similar results with uh, which helped listeners recognize words in upcoming speech.87 Fox Tree asked listeners to press a buzzer when they heard a specific «target» word, which they had committed to memory.
Even if you have most of your basic information committed to memory, you'll still need to know your driver's license number, social security number and your vehicle identification number or VIN.
Young children won't be able to commit their entire schedule to memory, and even though they may worry about their schedule, they may not immediately think to consult the calendar to calm their fears.
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