Sentences with word «commitee»

9.30 Sir Jeremy Heywood gives evidence to the public administration commitee on the work of the cabinet secretary
It is unlikely Gleick would voluntary and permanently destroy his stature in a multitude of commitee's and organizations in a Kamikaze attempt at rooting out the secrets of Heartland.
Developed using Bloki, the site is intended to encourage collaboration among commitee members and to share ideas about blogs and blogging.
The training commitee plans at least four workshops a year for the TASC.
«We try to represent the communities in which we operate,» says Troy Ungerman, a partner at Norton Rose and a member of its Canadian diversity commitee.
If they have done nothing in their careers to get to know what goes on at commitee tables and the decision making process, I encourage them to get involved.
It would be like putting a flat earth & fake moon landing conspiracy theorist on our NASA congressional budget commitee...
if they take a rb early, coming from the patriots i wouldnt be surprised if they re happy with blount abdullah riddick and zenner in a backfield by commitee, its what the pats do.
You should have a central commitee, for example the «Guards of the People's Happiness».
23rd November 2016, Mark Pack blog: Liberal Democrat federal commitee elections: what are they all about?
In December, both the home affairs select committee and the joint commitee on human rights report that there is no evidence to suggest the law needs to be changed.
Suppose it turned out that the majority of people on a candidate's selection commitee (I could also hace said lover or wife but was looking for somebody really powerful) turned out to be government employees.
But circulating petitions is an expensive effort, and it's not immediately clear how it will work in terms of reimbursements from the state commitee, which is not swimming in cash by all accounts.
She is also in TSAVA commitee and TSAVA director of WSAVA and FECAVA.
The ride from the airport was just right, the welcoming commitee was so nice, and the house looked picture perfect.
Tesla founder Elon Musk, one of the members of US President Donald Trump's «tech commitee,» took it to the president himself to adopt a tax on carbon emissions.
Something to reflect on as Inhofe heads towards his chair of the senate environment and public works commitee...
And Courtillot (the infamous «skeptic») belongs to the scientific commitee for the Total CCS experiment in southern France.
The trustees in bankruptcy of Mr Haines (Mr H) have sought leave to appeal the decision to the House of Lords, which is expected to go to an appeal commitee this month.
Special all - party commitees should meet in camera and unanimously select appointees.
In a recent interview with PAR, Maria Melendez, chair of Sidley's diversity commitee, shared that partners at the firm are asked to report on their efforts to retain and advance women (and minority) attorneys.
The full county committee voted to endorse Lazio and he tried to strong arm the Chair (which succeeded) into going against the commitee vote.
A representative of the Rockland County Legislature stated that all commitee and legislative meetings were closed through Wednesday, October 31.
Set up a commitee in 2016?
This commitee is always looking for topics that are of interest to the animal welfare community and welcome suggestions.
These commitees will judge the submitted images.
I maintained membership in three societies (not now), served as chair on commitees and symposia, did many reviews of papers, and even served on the edtorial board of a short lived journal.
Of course, if «skeptics» were part of that commitee then all bets are off...
Judy Harvie and her planning commitee are to be congratulated for their hard work in getting the conference ready and win the award for most puns possible on the theme of... [more]
Once again, the commitee members are often «just salespeople» (giving up their valuable free time to participate) who often have no experience in managing (any) situations, much less deciding on a heavy topic such as «retainers» and how to have it all function seamlessly.
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