Sentences with phrase «committed global fraud»

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Mann, now at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, was on the faculty of the University of Virginia until 2005, and Cuccinelli is investigating whether Mann had committed fraud in the course of applying for grants related to his global warming research.
After months of rumours of piracy on the Internet global communications network, the US attorney in Boston this month brought charges against David LaMacchia, a 20 - year - old student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, alleging conspiracy to commit «wire fraud».
A widely picked up Associated Press story about fraud committed by several countries that received grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria has triggered a flurry of reactions.
Global Personals commit a huge amount of resource to keeping our database free from scammers (including 24 hour moderation, free customer support and specialised fraud teams) and look forward to learning and developing our fraud prevention techniques further in a long relationship with Scamalytics.»
The short version of it is Senator Ted Cruz displayed two charts created by Steven Goddard, a pseudononymous blogger who is well known for frequently claiming global warming is a hoax and accusing people of commiting fraud to promote it, without saying what the source for the charts were.
First, there is good evidence to support the allegation that Jones committed fraud in some of his research — including research which influenced a chapter of the principal report upon which governments rely for a scientific assessment of global warming.
This being demonstrably the most heavily frequented and therefore influential site on the Web with regard to the anthropogenic global warming / climate change / «climate fragility» fraud to which you've committed yourself, there is no better venue to which you can devote your attentions as regards the preservation of this preposterous bogosity's persistence among the confused wool and low - information voters who've been suckered by your progtard Algorean «We're All Gon na Die!»
Within Maravela Asociații, Ioan proved a set of impressive professional abilities, successfully coordinating extremely complex disputes, most recent highlights including: representation of a central authority in a dispute encompassing 17 separate court files with a multimillion EUR value concerning an important privatized company; representation of a global producer of sports equipment with regard to a multimillion Euros contract fraud committed by one of their commercial partners; coordination of several portfolios composed of tens of litigious files entrusted by leading multinational companies, etc..
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