Sentences with phrase «committed people along the way»

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A perusal of the Church of the Brethren Web pages provides clear evidence that a commitment to pacifism is not limited to denominational headquarters: the 48 churches of the Northern Indiana District Conference have joined to urge «the use of nonviolent approaches and interventions» in response to the terror; the Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, Church of the Brethren has adopted a statement in which they «remain committed to walk in the Jesus way of nonviolent love, in which evil can only be overcome with redemptive acts of love»; a group of Brethren Volunteer Service Workers have issued a statement in which they «advocate the use of nonviolent means to settle disputes» and «stand opposed to the increased drive toward militarization»; on October 7 members of local Brethren churches (along with Mennonites and others) organized a peace rally at the state capitol in Harrisburg, «Sowing Seeds of Peace: Prayers and Petitions for Nonviolent Action,» which attracted over 300 people.
Somewhere along the way I decided that I needed to do the same — commit to a particular congregation of people over the long haul.
He did not expect that God would give him with no effort on his part the words which would be right; but he was sure that by «thinking prayerfully», in the attentive presence of God», about those words which seemed to him to be best he would be able to come closer to preaching with a sense that these were right for him to use — and what is more, he could commit them, along with his own admittedly inadequate and deficient effort, to God so that they might be used in a way pleasing to God and more likely to find acceptance from God's people.
I've met the most amazing people who are committed to making this wine country the best that it can be, and along the way, have made some incredible friends.
When two people enter a committed relationship and live together, there are bound to be bumps along the way.
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