Sentences with phrase «committed to it yet»

«We're not committing to it yet, but it is clear that we will be growing.
The rest of the week will include dinners like Spinach Lasagna, Fall Minestrone Soup, G - Z Burgers (G for Garbanzo beans and Z for Zucchini — a recipe I got from Isil a long time ago) and a few others that I haven't committed to yet.
Governor Cuomo has said he will engage with his opponent, but so far has not committed to any yet.
The only certainties are that in the next 30 days, we'll commit to yet another move — at least one, somewhere, because my husband's job here in Boise is ending.and that whatever decisions we make, we'll make together.
You may have picked something, but you haven't committed to it yet.
A commitment mechanism is another good way to go, but I'm not quite sure what to commit to yet: I could donate money to a cause I'm against, or let Netbug do my meal planning.
Most notably, the new service will offer a pay - per - game option for those who just want to tune into individual games, without having to commit to yet another subscription.
We have considered putting one together, though, but haven't committed to it yet.
As far as wallpaper goes, I just can't quite commit to it yet... although, like you, I keep saying that one day we will have some grasscloth here.

Not exact matches

If you're unsure and haven't made the leap yet, check out a 30 - day trial of Amazon Prime before deciding it's worth committing to.
Ubisoft has pledged to make a Just Dance game available for the new Nintendo console, but beyond that, there isn't much committed support to count on just yet.
We have considered attending trade shows but have not yet committed to any.
Twitter has yet to commit to sharing the viewership stats for its live streams.
Buffalo Wild Wings is testing a few options this June, but hasn't yet committed to a full strategy on how to implement that program.
Very successful, yet committed to being even better.
Still, Cuban says he has yet to commit to a presidential bid.
Chargers owner Dean Spanos has not yet committed to leaving.
The experienced traveler is always prepared for sudden changes in weather conditions, yet is also committed to traveling as light as possible.
Three months in, the friend had yet to commit full - time and wasn't pulling her weight.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, tasked with defending 10 incumbent senators in states won by Trump last year, has monitored the Jones race and advised on staffing — but has not yet committed resources to the race.
To date, the government has yet to commit to an implementation date for adopting accrual appropriations or to explain why it would not be prudent to do so»To date, the government has yet to commit to an implementation date for adopting accrual appropriations or to explain why it would not be prudent to do so»to commit to an implementation date for adopting accrual appropriations or to explain why it would not be prudent to do so»to an implementation date for adopting accrual appropriations or to explain why it would not be prudent to do so»to explain why it would not be prudent to do so»to do so».
The government, she added, is committed to a full parliamentary debate on the deal and a vote in the House of Commons, though she had yet to set a deadline.
New education partnership with First Nations is net of funding committed in fiscal framework, but yet to flow to First Nations.
A desire to test the United States market before committing to wider acceptance of the currency may be the reason more merchants have not yet extended the payment option to international customers, said Gil Luria, an analyst with Wedbush Securities.
This assumption rests on yet another, still more tenuous one: that uncooperative provinces like Saskatchewan and Manitoba are unwilling to commit to a national carbon price, not because of their own particular political interests and liabilities, but because they remain unconvinced that the national climate plan will actually succeed.
But to make a comparison between Donald Trump's handling of Stormy Daniels (or his previous incidents of alleged infidelity) and the story of King David ignores the second — and most important — half of the story, as detailed in 2 Samuel 12, in which the prophet Nathan admonishes David, telling him that he has been given everything by God and yet wanted more, and took another man's wife and committed murder to have her.
It's that time of year again where we make resolutions, select theme words or just commit to actively working to have our best year yet.
While Microsoft Ventures is committed to act as a strategic partner for budding startups around the world, his role to garner startups in a country like India, where Entrepreneurs are yet to gauge the value - worth of market intelligence and market insights, is a hard - hitting task with a single focused objective — build locally, scale globally.
I supplied all their needs, yet they committed adultery and thronged to the houses of prost.itutes» (Jeremiah 5:7, NIV).
They say they are committed to religious pluralism, yet in interviews all three expressed reservations about allowing Mormons, Hari Krishnas, and missionaries of other alien faiths to enter Ukraine.
I was not even born yet, and had not had the opportunity to commit a sin.
This «flexibility» is one reason why liberalism has not committed suicide but instead renews itself in every generation as something different yet recognizably liberal and always claiming the moral right to rule.
So the lesbian couple who left sex far behind them aren't in sin even though they're in a long term committed love relationship and the two elderly gentlemen who no longer have sex are also not in sin, and yet these are homosexual relationships between people who choose to share their lives.
We know it's wrong to lie, steal, murder, disobey our parents, commit adultery... yet we do it anyway.
But because I was a broken reed when I first showed up at his confessional, he was tender, yet always committed to giving me the full teaching of the Church.
A God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice, and invented hell - mouths mercy, and invented hell - mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!
Two comments.One, the atheist / materialist claims that he / she... «Did «nt believe in free will»... O.K.Should we take that to mean some mindless, heretofore unknown force apllied those words in your behalf?Did someone put the proverbial «gun to your head «and force you to post your comments?we await you presumably forced answer with bated breath.Two.As for Mr.Gingrich, beware.Politics aside, the one question yet remains for Calista: How did you, a professed «devout «Roman Catholic, carry on a 6 - year affair with a man you knew was married?How does that square with the Biblical prohibition against committing adultery?Oh wait!I know!As a «devout «Roman Catholic you can sin with impunity; just go to your priest, say a couple of «hail Marys and Our Fathers», ask the priest to bless your sinning, and resume.Of course!I had forgetton how easily Catholics excuse their trangressions (ex opere operato, anyone).
Yet he himself explicitly is committed to the concept of a whole or unity as an assembly of parts which, either in fine art or in nature, may be disjoined and reunited by logic alone (MT 85).
Yet while this uxorious little man consents to unsheathe himself with the rest of the audience, there is one act when he can not bring himself to commit: he will not abandon the valuables — his wallet and keys and watch — which Bertha and the other sexual nihilists are taunting him to surrender.
(A committed Christian must acknowledge that intrinsic worth, and yet how many of us react with dismay when reading of such terrible tragedies as the burning of the library in Alexandria, the destruction of the Parthenon during the Crusades and the bombing of cathedrals in World War II while scarcely giving a thought to the thousands of nameless civilians buried in the rubble of those edifices?)
You want to claim that those people who murdered the natives were not «informed» by their Christianity and were just «people» and yet you want to claim that any atheist who commits evil is doing so BECAUSE of their atheism.
Since all of our sins were yet future to God when Jesus died on the cross, He is not surprised by any sin we commit, nor does He ever regret giving us eternal life and therefore take it back.
Yet in creating human beings with bodies formed from the unfolding of matter in cosmic development, God the Son committed himself from all eternity to become Man according to the Father's will.
Then although there came to them Our Messengers with clear Signs, yet even after that many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.
If one considers the statistically significant size of the historical atheist set and contrasts it with the fact that not one in a thousand religious leaders have committed similarly large - scale atrocities, it is impossible to conclude otherwise, even if we do not yet understand exactly why this should be the case.
But Wesley himself was more impressed by the fact that people could disagree on many of these matters and yet commit themselves with equal fervor to the evangelical task.
How often have we turned on the evening news to yet another story of someone who committed some atrocious act and heard the reporter interviewing that person's neighbors and acquaintances and heard «We were shocked.»
But yet doesn't commit to God.
Following the example of the Gospels, we may designate those interested in benefiting from the ministries of the church but not yet committed to following Jesus as «crowd.»
The ones who dismiss religion yet won't commit fully to Atheism... just in case.
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