Sentences with phrase «committed war atrocities»

The book has gut - wrenching stories: about Vietnam veterans who committed war atrocities, incest survivors, broken adults that were terrorised as children or shunted between foster homes.

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Belgrade (AFP)- Jailed for committing atrocities in the conflict - riven 1990s, Balkan war criminals are being welcomed back to the limelight, resuming political posts, advising top officials and preaching in church.
The second category he calls «circumstantial evidence ``, which, if he was shown any of these, might cause him to rethink his position even if he doesn't convert: a genuinely flawless and consistent holy book; a religion without internal disputes or factions; a religion who's followers have never committed or taken part in atrocities; a religion that had a consistent record of winning its jihads and holy wars.
They condoned slavery, they stoned people to death (if you think that is better than slavery you should read up on it), they fought wars, and committed atrocities.
Only one evil force was guilty of starting the war, only one foul foe committed horrible atrocities, and these men and people had to be utterly crushed and punished.
In a war that has no clear moral purpose, where it is difficult to distinguish friend from foe or soldier from civilian and where it is forbidden by one's superiors either to win or to lose — such a war impels even fairly decent people to commit atrocities.
However, I sometimes wonder if on Judgment Day we will be as proud when we learn about atrocities our nation has committed against Muslim nations in the form of economics, or unjustified wars, or price manipulation of crops and technology, or who knows what else?
Yet it is well known that violences have been committed in the north (especially against the Vietnamese Catholics) and that after communist rule was established in North Vietnam its atrocities claimed more victims than were claimed by the actual war.
Take any war, any struggle, or any fight by any nation or any group of people in the history of the world, in which their goal was liberty and freedom, and you will find countless atrocities, murders, and crimes, all committed in the name of liberty.
There was not only widespread acknowledgment of atrocities committed by the government during the war but also deep resentment towards the misdistribution of funds by the Museveni regime and the resultant lack of service provision and development in the north.
And it means pushing Iraq to abolish the death penalty, and to allow those who committed the worst atrocities to be charged with war crimes.
All the hidden secrets of the atrocities and crimes against humanity committed against the people of Biafra during the war of genocide between 1967 and 1970 will become the most talked about topic within diplomatic circles around the world until Nigeria collapses.
Fascinated with the atrocities Dussander committed during the war, Todd begins to blackmail him.
Blocker hates Native Americans, as is made clear from his closed - off face — as distant as a figure in a daguerreotype — and his grim reminiscences of surviving and committing atrocities during the Indian Wars.
Powers» intense and insular prose effectively communicates the fear of young soldiers so inadequately prepared for the atrocities they will both witness and commit as well as the absurdity of continually capturing and losing the same city over the war's long course.
In the Focus, Slovenian cultural theorist and philosopher Renata Salecl takes an in - depth look at Holzer's Lustmord series, which was precipitated by the events in the former Yugoslavia and boldly addresses the atrocities committed in war.
Her art, characterised by an intense realism, includes works on paper and ephemeral installations, and find inspiration in contemporary or historical events such as the torture of women in Nicaragua, the Holocaust and the atrocities committed during the Vietnamese War.
Judy Chicago (born 1939) was an American artist and activist best known for large - scale collaborative installation artworks — The Dinner Party and The Birth Project — both based on feminist themes and The Holocaust Project — based on the atrocities committed by the Nazi Party during World War II.
That same war also led to the setting up the Commission for International Justice and Accountability, an innovative and elaborate network of investigators led by a former investigator from the Yugoslav Tribunal who are building what looks to be promising evidence on atrocities crime committed in Syria that can be used in courtrooms, once the time for justice has come.
The graffiti is likely a response to a law that was passed in Poland earlier in February saying it's illegal to say that Poland bore responsibility for the atrocities committed by Nazi Germany during the second World War.
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