Sentences with phrase «committee over expenses»

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When it was all over, the tally of alleged wrongdoing cited here today, assigned to one party or another, included unpaid taxes (NDP), abusing election laws (Conservatives), improperly taking money from charities (Liberals), improperly claimed expenses (Liberals), illegal campaign debts (Liberals), illegal political donations (NDP), flouting Hill security (NDP), a potentially illegal cheque (Conservatives), secrecy (Conservatives) and sabotaging the committee to select the parliamentary budget officer (Conservatives).
On the day letters are sent out to MPs raising questions over expenses claims, a report by the Commons standards and privileges committee orders former home secretary Jacqui Smith to apologise for breaching rules on second home expenses.
Since the complaints about her expenses related to 2010 before IPSA was established, the complaints were given to the standards committee, a body of MPs whose primary task now is to police and judge the conduct of MPs over issues such as lobbying, and the register of MPs interests.
Committee members criticised for watering down watchdog recommendations over amount Miller should repay in expenses
Newsday reported in February that Gonsalves violated state election laws at least 33 times over nine years by failing to disclose political donors and campaign expenses involving Friends for Norma Gonsalves, a previously unregistered campaign committee that she controls.
The committee reported $ 1,581.00 in expenses over the past six months, most of which went to a Brooklyn firm called Compliance NY.
«While it's well - intentioned by them,» said Mike Reich, a member of the Queens party who presided over the meeting, «the executive committee has voted to table this because the additional expenses would be astronomical and the restrictions on it would hamper the ability of the political party to operate in an election time where you have to make quick expenditures in response to Republicans — as you know, Republicans can drop a million dollars in a district in a blink of an eye — and we have to be able to respond.»
The former chairman of the committee on Standards in Public life has criticised the House of Commons Speaker Michael Martin over his handling of the MPs» expenses row.
And, not to be forgotten, there's the actual reason for the by - election in the first place: the resignation of Denis MacShane, in disgrace, after the Commons» standards and privileges committee pilloried him over his expense claims.
She said a big obstacle was that Sen. Mike Hall, R - Putnam and chairman of the Finance Committee, likely was concerned about the expense the Department of Education estimated for repealing and replacing the standards and other related costs — originally at $ 168 million, despite confusion on the part of department officials and others over exactly what standards the bill would require to be ditched.
«Lawyer Loses Ladies» Night Lawsuit Main Slow Day for the Illinois Grievance Committee: Lawyer Reprimanded Over $ 261 Expense»
The prospect of a fight over control orders has overshadowed the news that the Independent Parliamentary Standards Committee is launching a review of the MPs expenses scheme, the abuse of which was the subject of the judgment in R v Chaytor & Ors handed down in December 2010.
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