Sentences with word «commoditisation»

There is a challenge in the future for legal practitioners, both in the manner in which they deliver their service and the increasing challenge of commoditisation of legal services in our society.
Where commoditisation and technology may be raising questions over the future of lawyer roles, there seems only more certainty that business services professionals will be pivotal to managing whatever change lies ahead.
In both cases the explosion was enabled by the growing commoditisation of components but because maintaining an operating system and an app ecosystem, whether on PC or smartphone, is an expensive business, there was a shakedown.
As to funding itself, even if one accepts that education is a needless public expense which can be defrayed through commoditisation (which I certainly don't but you apparently do) then there's always the graduate tax.
Olagunju's contemporary appropriation of traditional African sculptures continues his exploration of global trade and, in his words: «the absolute commoditisation of everything».
«These online communities, like commoditisation, present profound challenges for conventional legal businesses.
In the past several years, the introduction of more free content, access to official information, blogs of various descriptions and a general commoditisation of information have put price much more into focus.
But we can see how commoditisation is even affecting the provision of first level legal advice.
The trend toward commoditisation of practice areas where complexity and regulatory oversight is decreasing continues to accelerate and portions of otherwise premium rate work continue to be disaggregated, reducing the overall profitability of a project.
Research by TGO Consulting revealed a clear trend of rapid commoditisation of legal services but found that law firms are not yet feeling the pain.
To extract from the SCL email, he posited a world changed by exponential increase in processing power and where commoditisation is an inescapable part of legal practice.
Edmonds does not step back from a forthright approach to the advantages of commoditisation of services both for consumers and those providing legal services.
One possible explanation is that games consoles have never had their «commoditisation» moment: there's only one manufacturer for each, whereas there are multiple makers of PCs and smartphones.
One of the significant effects of this lies in the commercial process of commoditisation, where non-commercial, social activities are reformed, packaged and sold as commercial products or commodities.
the commoditisation and advertising of faith «products» and religious «services», church growth philosophy, and the appeal to what's in it for the participant in many different ways - see Horsfield, «Church shopping: a hazard to the health of he Kingdom?»
But more than this, The Neon Demon is a comment on the commoditisation of beauty and how our consumer oriented culture feeds on youth and purity («real «Lolita» shit,» as Keanu Reeves» seedy motel manager puts it).
It is an explicit attempt to prevent the commoditisation of a feature that would benefit many more people and businesses if it were a commodity.
Automated outsourcing could easily lead to a commoditisation of design.
Mr Campbell's response to the film has four parts that explore the idea of value and the commoditisation of art.
Five artists explore humankind's interaction, commoditisation and exploitation of landscape and our evolving notions of wilderness and ecology in the Anthropocene epoch.
Whilst referencing marketing techniques that deftly seduce the viewer, Simmons renders any didactic message redundant, calling into question the speed and proliferation of mass marketing in a digital age and the commoditisation of youth cultures.
Technology has led to commoditisation of routine work in the past, a trend which will continue.
I share the convention that provision of legal services nowadays entails these four elements: commoditisation, research, reasoning and judgment.
A lot has been written about IBM Watson, KIM (the AI platform) of Riverview Law and even RAVN Systems being deployed in a handful of law firms in relation to commoditisation, research and reasoning.
Larger firms would be able to offer legal services capable of a large degree of commoditisation, such as conveyancing and will writing.
«In the coming decade, I believe legal practice will be transformed by two related phenomena — commoditisation and online community.»
If technological development and commoditisation is to continue efficiently then more and more legal advice functions must be carried out by computers.
Yet, when the information technology world focused its gaze upon the «back - office» functions of law offices, it became clear that commoditisation was not only possible, but necessary.
Commoditisation has led to the matter being managed by a less qualified person than otherwise would be the case.
There are distributed throughout the document references to the commoditisation and standardisation of legal services.
Small practices can compete but the commoditisation of services drags that work from them.
Commoditisation has become summed up in common parlance as «Tesco law».
Commoditisation of legal services emphasises price and ultimately in the provision of those services, price may become the only arbiter.
The commoditisation of machine learning technology, led by companies such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, is allowing legal technology providers such as Lexis Nexis and Lex Machina to leverage these base technologies to innovate more quickly and cost effectively within the legal industry.
This growth in CMCs and the commoditisation of their service is likely to drive them towards establishing ABSs.
The commoditisation of these types of claims has been ongoing now for some 10 years.
He argues that the market will not tolerate expensive lawyers for tasks that can be better performed with modern systems and techniques; and he claims that the legal industry is being drawn towards the commoditisation of legal services, and by new and disruptive legal technologies.
Price competition, commoditisation of legal work, alternate service providers, compliance and e-billing, P3 (pricing, project management, and process) initiatives and consumer - based technologies have all changed the game.
Consequently, law firms that fail to adapt their business models to the advance of commoditisation may lose out in the long run.
Sure, globalisation, outsourcing, commoditisation, changing procurement patterns are all shaping the market now, but technology has the potential to change it to a much greater degree.
Reflecting on the nature of legal service, Susskind's central premise is that the role and influence of lawyers is «on the brink of a fundamental transformation» (p. 1) and furthermore, that its revolutionary improvement will be driven by two forces: commoditisation, driven by market preferences for increased economic efficiency, and a pervasive uptake of information technology.
Peter Zver, President, TIkit North America talks to Thomson Reuters Forefront about how price competition, commoditisation of legal work, alternate service providers, compliance pressures, P3 (pricing, project management, and process) initiatives, and consumer - based technologies have all changed modern timekeeping.
While Susskind anchors his work on his prediction that the dual force of commoditisation and information technology will fundamentally change the way legal services are provided...
Richard anticipates a new model for legal services and sees an evolutionary path, running from the bespoke legal service which remains the norm to the commoditisation of legal service.
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