Sentences with word «commoditized»

«Online availability of commoditized legal services — keep holding your breath Main How do you calculate an accurate fully - loaded internal cost per lawyer hour?»
But Baer of Qwest, while agreeing that it is the legal department's duty to evaluate outside firms, distinguished between «bespoke» legal work and more commoditized services.
The technology alone is becoming more commoditized by the day.
Since both are slow - growth businesses in commoditized markets, Cisco is generally considered a «mature» tech stock with limited growth potential.
Perhaps the most important clarity to be gained is while buyer profiling has its place for understanding buyers, it is a reflection of highly commoditized business factors — not deep buyer insights.
Truth is, graduate business education has become an increasingly commoditized product.
Microsoft seems to understand that hardware is becoming increasingly commoditized, which is why it chose to build its own Surface tablets.
What to do when a specialty - chemical business gets commoditized By Michael Glaschke, Marco Moder, and Christoph Schmitz.
Low - level work will be significantly more profitable if delivered as commoditized legal information to clients via online, subscription based platforms.
Even a company with a highly commoditized product has an opportunity to establish an advantage over its competitors by improving customer engagement and creating customer impact.
Non-traditional legal service providers — whose existence preceded the recession — saw an opportunity in the chaos and began competing with firms for commoditized work, which gave clients more options and opportunities to cut costs.
Desktops and laptops may still be useful, but the truth is they've been as commoditized as toasters for a while now.
Nonetheless, the increased demand won't increase rates much in this highly commoditized market where there are too many cars chasing too few renters.
Significant benefits will come as NLP and automatic classification techniques get commoditized in the next years, but substantive legal AI technologies are still nascent and for now they are applied only to narrow domains.
In Dina's recent article «Consulting on the Cusp of Disruption,» she and co-authors Clayton Christensen and Derek van Bever argue that despite the disruption in consulting and in law, there will always be complex, high - stakes problems for which a brand - name, solution shop firm will be required, but that as disruption marches up - market and more problems find commoditized solutions, there will be a thinning at the top of the pyramid.
Today, startups like Newlight Technologies are developing carbon - negative plastics that can substitute directly for carbon - emitting products — similar carbon - removing products could provide a great way for companies in commoditized industries for differentiating their offerings.
This could be part of a limited individual matter with commoditized elements that need to be delivered cost effectively.
The school made another key partnership with a local branch of financial giant UBS, which recently concluded a class on commoditizing art.
«The whole business is becoming so commoditized that unless you have incredible scale, how are you going to sustain that business?»
Of course, Netgear is pitching Arlo not just as the maker of easily commoditized hardware, but as a cloud software service provider, too.
However, all in all, this is another case of commoditized hardware allowing for great value.
How would Buffett, a man who loves brands with value - added potential, justify an investment in one of the most commoditized businesses in the world?
It's a dark future where writers can still self - publish, but one marketplace holds all the readers captive, and that marketplace's business model is entirely dependent upon commoditizing everything it sells.
By understanding how technology commoditizes expertise more clearly — and the benefits as it does so — hopefully educators can get past that to unleash a brighter future for students and teachers.
While some firms have experimented with alternative billing arrangement and even outsourcing commoditized work, the Torys Legal Service Centre is the first attempt by a large Canadian firm to set up what could be called nearshoring (versus offshoring) office dedicated entirely to fixed - fee work.
By focusing on discrete, packaged or commoditized offerings, NewLaw represents an outsourcing option for accomplishing tasks more effectively or efficiently than you could by doing them yourself.
It has been heavily commoditized by the insurance industry via pop culture and popular advertising.
Commoditized PCs are seen as disposable so the cheaper price is accepted, but in the long run more money is spent on the «cheaper» devices.
Completely commoditizing professional services on a market basis can also accentuate inequalities by allowing those with greater purchasing power to acquire superior services.
In the competitive and commoditized world of legal services, we're told we must have an effective marketing campaign to get new clients.
As technology commoditizes the lower end of recruiting, more and more search firms are targeting C - suite engagements at global corporations — assignments for which the barriers to entry remain high and client sensitivity to fees relatively low.
On the demand side as an asset class gets commoditized into an easily tradeable form it becomes easier for a new class of investors to enter.
The nifty, futuristic - seeming inventions of tomorrow quickly become the dull and commoditized goods of today before ending up as the forgotten and obsolete relics of yesterday.
In fact, many businesses are even shying away from the title HR coordinator, as it may sound stuffy or scary, and - worst of all — it appears to commoditize human beings.
He's bringing the same brand and design focus to pot that he's seen work in those other commoditized industries.
In a highly commoditized low - margin business, success hinges on the quality of a firm's employees.
Facebook is a particularly thorny case, because the company has multiple lock - ins: on one hand, as per Aggregation Theory, Facebook has completely modularized and commoditized content suppliers desperate to reach Facebook's massive user base; it's a two - sided market in which suppliers are completely powerless.
What is revolutionary about on - demand streaming in general and Netflix in particular is that the service has commoditized time: on Netflix Sunday at 9 pm is no different than Tuesday at 11 am or Friday at 6 pm; there is no prime time.
«Volatility as an asset class, both explicitly and implicitly, has been commoditized via financial engineering as an alternative form of yield.
And given the relatively commoditized nature of equities as an asset class for now (don't strikingly similar chart patterns suggest as much?)
There are few places in the world where nudity is so villified as the US — and few places where it has been so successfully commoditized.
The second approach is an inversion, and that is to commoditize reading apps by delivering a format (or multiple formats) that will work on any reading app or device the user may have, including Kindle apps and devices.
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