Sentences with phrase «common age of retirement»

The number 65 is significant because it has been the common age of retirement since 1935.

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The most common recommended fixes are tax increases, benefit cuts, further delaying the age for full retirement benefits, creating a new formula for calculating annual cost - of - living adjustments or a combination of all of these proposals.
A majority of workers expects to remain in the workplace beyond age 65, traditionally a common retirement target date, but... More
Dementia, one of the most common disabilities developed in old age, can cause people to mismanage their other forms of retirement income.
As divorces for those who are over the age of 50 are becoming exponentially more common, our Munster divorce lawyers want to stress that the importance of retirement considerations can't be overstated.
Notably, in response to Ms. Strudwick's request to be awarded an extended common law notice period because of the employer's conduct (she requested damages equal to pay and benefits to age 65 on appeal), the Court of Appeal reiterated that common law damages for wrongful dismissal are intended to give employees what they reasonably need to support themselves until they find a new job, and not to compensate them until retirement.
In Canada the most common type of annuity is the life annuity, which is normally purchased by persons at their retirement age with tax - sheltered funds or with savings funds.
With a surge of mature professionals (often referred to as baby boomers) in the workforce, and the increasing need for extended employment beyond the common retirement age — many boomers are still actively managing their careers and conducting job searches.
It's quite common for people to have worked lots of different jobs for lots of different employers by the time they reach retirement age.
It also may be more common for older couples to begin re-evaluating their marital situations when major life changes happen such as when the children leave the house, reaching retirement age, a financial crisis, or in the face of declining health.
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