Sentences with phrase «common best»

In football a player and his fellow teammates sacrifice for each other for the common good of the team.
We see this kind of widely - distributed but unaddressable pain in all kinds of political and community situations where the powers that be just can't or won't be bothered to try to build a solution and no individuals have enough of a stake (or enough at stake) to take on the larger problem for the common good.
After devoting a solid 15 pages of his letter on how the U.S. should slash regulations, Dimon made a point to single out a single area of government oversight that has undeniable value: «Some regulations quite clearly create a common good (e.g., clean air and water),» Dimon noted, in a sentence that went on to catalog the ways regulation is otherwise bad for the economy — making it all the more striking that he chose to highlight environmental issues.
From baseball teams to carpet retailers to network - services entrepreneurs, small players are uniting for a common good.
This distraction is usually due to team members jockeying for power or one person's ego taking precedence over others», rather than keeping the focus on the common good.
This would include efforts at the earliest practicable time toward encouragement and negotiation with Class B shareholders to request that they relinquish, for the common good of all shareholders, any preexisting rights.
In contrast, Public Banks empower small businesses, students, homeowners, city and state governments, and community banks to prosper and thrive by banking for the common good over the long term, and making low - cost credit available where it is needed in the real economy.
It seems to me that you are invoking concepts of noblesse oblige, chivalry and grace from us in an attempt to get us to sacrifice yet more of our assets for the common good, without giving us any compelling reasons other than «it would be more fair».
People who try to separate their private convictions about human dignity and the common good from their involvement in public issues are not acting with integrity, or with loyalty to their own principles.
Even the Mafia once in awhile has to get rid of one of its own members and sacrifice its own members for the common good.
As David Dayen wrote for The New Republic during the first round of the Amazon HQ2 sweepstakes, «[T] hey're worse than a zero - sum game between metropolitan areas; they're net - negative, because the corporation extracts the subsidy while cities lose revenue that would otherwise go to education or infrastructure investment to benefit the common good
This emphasis on the individual's rights and feelings makes the need for surrendering value, or property for the common good, a difficult proposition in municipal politics.
Governments who had been successful, such as Wilfrid Laurier, had managed to balance those interests for a common good.
The ARTIS Foundation is free to conduct or support additional funding rounds to extend the ARTIS ecosystem and support the development of global services for the common good.
Tides Canada collaborates with both donors and social change leaders, offering a platform for charitable giving and a home for on - the - ground efforts to create uncommon solutions for the common good.
Our mission is to improve the lives of working families and to build a stronger Canada by ensuring our common wealth is used for the common good.
Contribute to a common good.
As such, we now are entering a post-medieval world of enclosures — an Enclosure Movement driven by financial law that overrides public and common law, against the common good.
We all pay taxes, whether we like it or not, because we agree as citizens, as members of a democratic society, that mandatory taxation is for the common good.
«They contribute to the common good; they're resonating with the spiritual search of contemporary society.
Some activists from the new progressive Catholic establishment have been hired into the Obama administration, including Alexia Kelley, who started a group called Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good after the 2004 election, and John Kelly, a Catholic outreach liaison for Obama's 2008 campaign.
If we're relying on parents to put the «common good» above what they perceive as their child getting a better education, how far do you expect us to get?
We are all Americans serving the flag, it does nt matter who we are as individividuals, we together serve the common good
All views, perceptions and laws taken to the extremes are unhealthy for the common good of any nation's people, the citizens of the worldly empire.
Civil public dialogue goes to the heart of solidarity, the virtue that does not divide society into classes and groups but builds up the common good of all.
On the contrary, my life was enriched, and I was moved by our common humanity and our common instinct towards the common good.
He seems, however, to write from the point of view that looks first to government for the solution of the problems of life, and to imply that Lutherans are not doing their share for the common good because they are underrepresented in the upper echelons of politics.
They lack a common good around which to rally.
Bellah and his colleagues praise religion because they note that religious groups, unlike other groups in our society, are concerned not only with the common good of the nation but also with the common good of all human beings.
Moreover, we share as Americans, despite our differences, overlapping cultural traditions that can be a rich resource for the articulation of a common good.
To each is given a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good» (1 Cor.
In fact, that this election became less about conflicting ideas for achieving the same goal (the common good of Americans) and more about making sure everyone knows your opponents» deep character flaws is axiomatic.
The second concept necessary for the encyclical's argument is the common good: «To desire the common good and strive towards it is a requirement of justice and charity.»
«Give generosity to those who seek to form opinion and discernment to those who vote, that our nation may prosper and that, with all the peoples of Europe, we may work for peace and the common good.
The cause for this wishful hope in institutions quickly appears: «In an increasingly globalized society, the common good and the effort to obtain it can not fail to assume the dimensions of the whole human family, that is to say, the community of peoples and nations.»
But gaps in the justice and compassion of a society require government intervention to secure the common good, which is not common until it includes the poor, the immigrant, the sick, the disabled, the unborn.
With resolve that their not tired but move unrelenting toward that common good.
The archbishop also asserted that laws are based upon certain principles: «the pursuit of the common good through respect for the natural law, the dignity of the human person, the inviolability of innocent life from conception to natural death, the sanctity of marriage, justice for the poor, protection of minors, and so on.»
Religious conviction is not something outside society; it is part of society's inner core: «Religion is not a separate area marked off from society... [but] a natural element within society, constantly recalling the vertical dimension: attentive listening to God as the condition for seeking the common good, for seeking justice and reconciliation in the truth.»
The Church of England welcomed some aspects of the review, but also said: «We are however disappointed that the report misunderstands the role of Church of England schools in providing a rounded education to more than a million pupils from all backgrounds as part of our commitment to the common good.
It is my passionate belief that they are a gift to our society - serving the common good and equipping every person to flourish in a challenging, uncertain world.»
«Now, as then, the inevitable danger is that they will confuse their own self - interest with the common good
With courage that they may go against their own for the necessary of the common good of our beloved America.
They fought on the Maidan and now fight in the east for a dignified life and for the integrity of their country as a society united by a shared vision of the common good, not by blood or language or religion.
Pastor Rick Warren illustrates how this can work to the common good.
Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good (CACG) was founded in 2005 by operatives from the John Kerry campaign who were then shuttling between work at the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, an initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Democratic party jobs.
Podesta replies, «We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this.
As we debate laws and policies and even first principles, we should be confident that we are united in our desire to serve the common good.
Could it be that at its core this is all about how to structure the government's regulation of academic non-profits and their endowments so as to best serve the common good?
He makes a compelling case for rethinking human rights on the ground that it has become «a powerful ideology that promises to relieve us of the burdens of political responsibility for the common good
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