Sentences with phrase «common ground rather»

The job of the mediator is to help the parties find common ground rather than make any binding decision regarding the dispute.
Max to my mind is one who is always trying to find common ground rather than focusing on our differences.
Do your best to tie into your common ground rather than going straight to your battery.
I believe in building bridges and finding common ground rather than building walls between groups.
Building relationships on common ground rather than in the rough seas of controversy may be the best way to get beyond popular conflict narratives of science and religion dialogue, said speakers at DoSER's 2014 AAAS Annual Meeting Symposium, «Religious Communities, Science, Scientists, and Perceptions: A Comprehensive Survey.»
There are more Tory voters out there if the Conservatives occupy the common ground rather than the centre ground.

Not exact matches

For years, psychologists and other academics have argued that the best way to change a person's mind is not to attack their position but, rather, to find common ground.
As for timing, I hope that enough of us would rather try to find at least some common ground where there ae passionate disagreements an would prefer that to demonising the other to make this a worthwhile consideration.
Rather than getting polarized by politics, we look for common ground.
Hard just war theory reverses these emphases, replacing them with the following: a presumption against injustice and disorder rather than against war; an assumption that war is tragic but inevitable in a fallen world and that war is a necessary task of government; a tendency to trust the U.S. government and its claims of need for military action; an emphasis on just war theory as a tool to aid policymakers and military personnel in their decisions; an inclination to distrust the efficacy of international treaties and to downplay the value of international actors and perspectives; a less stringent or differently oriented application of some just war criteria; and no sense of common ground with Christian pacifists.
(44) As has already become clear, an integral understanding of reception depends on emphasizing no longer the separation but rather the existing common ground and community among the partners in dialogue.
The participants in this conversational endeavor — this societas — are «persons whose paths through life have fallen together, united by civility rather than by a common goal, much less a common ground
But rather than let the conversation linger in an area where we had absolutely no common ground, and in an effort to get to know me better, he decided it was time to change the subject.
One of the most common stereotypes in football is that all African teams are physical although in recent times it has not always been so with the Super Eagles who rather prefer to play with the ball on the ground.
In an interview after the debate, Kramer said the community could not move forward on the merger issue until they approached it on common ground, rather than as adversaries of white versus black, county versus city.
If the prime minister is serious about planting himself on the common ground of politics, he should move back to the centre ground on energy and the environment, using the vote on a clean energy target to back wealth creation and enterprise, rather than risk an embarrassing defeat and more divisive coalition politics.
Rather than collaborate on mutual goals, likehigher wages and immigrants» rights, the state's two most powerful Democrats spent much of this year at loggerheads, by turns frustrated and baffled by the other, unable to find common ground and, ultimately, powerless to overcome a stubborn, unsettled Legislature.»
Rather than collaborate on mutual goals, like higher wages and immigrants» rights, the state's two most powerful Democrats spent much of this year at loggerheads, by turns frustrated and baffled by the other, unable to find common ground and, ultimately, powerless to overcome a stubborn, unsettled Legislature.
When engaging public audiences, Hellmann encourages scientists «to tell stories that show common ground, rather than just be [ing] fact checkers.»
Two of our members, the newly married couple Ben and Liv from Yorkshire told us that they felt that it was more important to have common ground on more serious issues rather than surface interests.
I could go on and on about myself but I'd rather a start on a common ground and build from there.
But here's this: not avoiding but rather facing these so - called «touchy» issues can serve as a powerful bonding catalyst and give you with some common ground.
A common criticism made of Howard Gardner's work is that his theories derive rather more strongly from his own intuitions and reasoning than from a comprehensive and full grounding in empirical research.
Rather it aims to provide common ground for understanding the current state of California school finance and governance and for a serious and substantive conversation about necessary reforms.
I will hook the ground connection 85 directly to the battery rather than the common ground I am currently using, maybe some circuit using the common ground is causing some back flow when I switch the car off.
She neither fully condemns nor endorses either one of her lives or the people associated with them, but rather walks the common ground between them and begins to understand them.»
So when we criticize others or burn bridges rather than look for common ground so we can collaborate in saving more animals, we aren't helping anyone, especially the dogs and cats we claim to adore.
While HSUS agrees that there should be fewer unowned cats and that some outdoor felines have caused problems for wildlife, the group writes, «unfortunately, rather than focus on our common ground, these authors have ramped up the vitriol.»
- despite the new business partnership with Cygames, Nintendo is very satisfied with its mobile business - they are also happy with the various projects created in partnership with DeNA, and their relationship will continue - Nintendo is trying to expand its lineup of mobile games - Cygames had a plan for a title that was very deep and Nintendo thought it was important to develop and operate it jointly - DeNA doesn't just support Nintendo's mobile applications, but also its Nintendo Account system with tech and dev support - those areas of Nintendo's partnership will also continue - Nintendo is open to partner with other companies as well in the future - by using Nintendo IP in mobile apps, the company wants to spread awareness about Nintendo's characters - ultimately they'd like it to become synergistic with the console business - Nintendo wants to make mobile games one of the pillars of revenue - it's not enough to just expand dedicated internal development resources for this goal - this is why Nintendo is looking for possibilities to do it externally as well - Nintendo thought that Cygames» plan with Dragalia Lost was common ground for the companies, so they decided to partner - one important factor to think about when managing a company like Nintendo is that its products aren't daily necessities - Nintendo creates entertainment and fun, and the essence of its business will remain unchanged - Nintendo says it's a high - risk business, and there are times in which performance could be good or bad - Nintendo will continue to create specialized gaming hardware and software for the world - the aim is to be successful every time, but sometimes it will work out, and sometimes it won't - instead of thinking «I can't do this» they'd rather think «what can we do to continuously tighten our relationship with the customers?»
Indeed her works, which would be characterized abstract art rather than abstract painting, share some common ground, such as the spectacular use of colors, contrasts and shadows, the playful use of diagonals that creates a solid sense of perspective while different levels construct both volume and composition, but also the smooth way she moves from one texture to another, giving her paintings a rough surface by using colors impasto or with a palette knife or simply by incorporating different materials.
And they share common ground on central planning of the economy in general rather than their own parliaments, increasingly in Brussels no less.
Rather, it is one we can halt if we can make it our common purpose and common ground.
You talk of bad faith, yet frequently berate the knowledge and skills of others relative to your own, and rather than seeking clarifications or common ground to work from, you stretch your interpretation to the furthest distance away and fire accordingly.
Qualitative research, in contrast, seeks a deep, contextual understanding grounded in the participants» context.12 Researchers gather data through personal interactions or observations, rather than through objective instruments.13 Common qualitative data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and document review.14 Qualitative research is primarily inductive.15 Researchers begin by conducting a close study of the participants in context, and gradually develop themes and theories based on the participants» experiences.16 Researchers can not understand what it means to «do» legal writing without understanding the participants» experiences — the experiences of both writers and readers.
Rather, they work to find common ground and foster understanding among the parties.
Liz explains that rather than levy the «peppercorn» ground rents common for centuries on long leases, some developers are increasing them considerably over the period of the lease.
«What is particularly concerning is the uncontested fact that Alberta and AUPE had come to meaningful agreements on certain issues during collective bargaining, but rather than respecting those points of common ground Alberta has by legislation «wiped the slate clean» when it unilaterally imposed all terms from the 2011 Collective Agreement,» the judge said.
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