Sentences with phrase «common inhabitant»

Most common inhabitants of high tide zone are seaweed and several invertebrates like sea anemones, sea stars, chitons, crabs, green algae, and mussels.
Researchers discovered the remarkable physiological strategy after injecting dye into sea spiders — common inhabitants of the world's oceans named for their resemblance to land - based spiders — and watching the flow of blood.
The domestic duck — determined to be the main carrier of the disease — is a common inhabitant of Southeast Asia's rice paddies, and the movement of migratory birds — a secondary carrier — could be predicted based on temperatures.
The bacterial peptide found to activate MS patients» T cells came from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a common inhabitant of human skin which can infect wounds.
This study of a common inhabitant of the Great Barrier Reef is a rare optimistic contribution to our understanding of how a species can adapt to changing climate conditions.
NTM are common inhabitants of the environment and have been cultured from water, soil, and animal sources worldwide.
Particularly, P. fluorescens strains are common inhabitants of the plant rhizosphere and some strains actively colonize the internal plant tissues, living as endophytes (4), where they play diverse beneficial activities.
Irish researchers have reported from the Athlone Institute of Technology that coconut oil was the only oil of 3 tested (olive oil and vegetable oil being the other two) that was able to prevent Streptococcus mutans, an acid - producing bacterium that is a common inhabitant of the mouth and a major cause of tooth decay, from binding to and damaging tooth enamel.
For example, Bordetella bronchiseptica is also a common inhabitant of the upper respiratory tract in rabbits and, while the role played by B. bronchiseptica in respiratory infection in the rabbit has not been resolved, it has been implicated in certain lesions formed in the lower respiratory tract.
The spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) is a common inhabitant of the outer reef lagoon.
Fish life such as pigfish, wrasses, john dories, snapper and rainbow fish are common inhabitants and enrich the arch with some color.
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