Sentences with phrase «common inspection»

The handbook is to be used alongside the «Common inspection framework: education, skills and early years».
The role that food and food education at school plays in children's health has been further highlighted by the new Ofsted Common Inspection Framework which requires inspectors to look at how schools are supporting «children and learners keep themselves healthy, including through healthy eating».
If the standard has a grade profile, as is the case with the Ofsted Common Inspection framework, what indicators are relevant to each grade?
Social care common inspection framework for adoption support agencies, voluntary adoption agencies and independent fostering agencies.
The new guidance includes the introduction of common inspection framework for all early years settings on the Early Years Register, maintained schools and academies, non-association independent schools and further education and skills providers, short inspections for maintained schools, academies and further education and skills providers that were judged good at their last full inspection and significant changes to Ofsted's inspection workforce.
Bluewave Education is offering its award winning Common Inspection Frame work module for free to schools, as leaders face increasing budgetary challenges in the coming year.
Companies that back the competition in this way help to challenge apprentices to work efficiently under pressure; support common inspection framework standards by using competition activity to deliver a high quality skills set; and assess apprentices» functional skills against real life work scenarios.»
«Real estate agents know what are the most common inspections performed in your particular county,» McGavic says.
In fact, Gabbard has HomeTeam come to the office to talk to his team of six and explain what common inspection concerns need to be looked for when listing or selling a house.
«The new Common Inspection Framework makes prevention of radicalisation / extremist behaviour, and identifying those vulnerable to being drawn into supporting terrorism, a key part of safeguarding duties.
Ofsted's new Common Inspection Framework includes a judgment on personal development, behaviour and welfare.
This will include: Social care common inspection framework for residential family centres, holiday schemes for disabled children, secure children's homes.
It's also important to have a clear and concise understanding of how these help you make judgements against, for example, the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework.
Social care common inspection framework for residential family centres, holiday schemes for disabled children, secure children's homes.
Under Ofsted's Common Inspection Framework, inspectors assess how «children and learners keep themselves healthy, including through healthy eating».
Chris Keates: «Proposals to introduce a common inspection framework across all sectors of education are welcome in principle.»
Written by an Ofsted inspector and published by the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years, Common Inspection Framework, British values and You explains how inspection procedures in childcare settings have changed with the introduction of Ofsted's Common Inspection Framework.
The Common Inspection Framework makes judgements consistent across all Ofsted inspected settings, using the same terminology, enabling parents and carers to easily compare different childcare providers.
By strengthening these areas, schools are more likely to obtain good overall outcomes under the Common Inspection Framework from September 2015.
Louise Doyle, director at MESMA, said that while it's early days for inspections in the light of last year's changes to the Common Inspection Framework, the key aspects of what is defined as good education remain as pertinent and relevant as ever before.
Ofted has published new guidance entitled «The Common Inspection Framework: education, skills and early years» which includes changes that will come into effect from September 2015.
For example, the rewards for meeting the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework can be enhanced reputation that driveshigher value contracts, and greater opportunities for securing future ones.
Under the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework, safeguarding remains a limiting judgement.
- Automatically feed Ofsted SEF / Common Inspection Framework evidence into other reports e.g. Safeguarding, Behaviour, Pupil Premium, Governance *
Mesma also offers other advantages according to Key Training's quality director Rosie Ross including a more coherent inspection framework for easier assessment against Ofsted CIF (Common Inspection Framework) and added consistency in the quality of information provision.
In addition to offering their SEF for free to all schools Bluewave Education is also offering a facility for academy chains, federations and Multi Academy Trusts, whereby a Common Inspection Framework can be distributed to their family of schools and the responses can be aggregated for analysis and reporting.
Additionally, the Committee believes that Ofsted should introduce a specific judgement on careers information, advice and guidance for secondary schools, with the Common Inspection Framework amended to make clear that a secondary school whose career provision is judged as «requires improvement» or «inadequate» can not be judged to be «outstanding» overall.
And with Ofsted confirming that the new Common Inspection Framework will include a focus on approaches to helping children eat well and the canteen atmosphere and environment, now is the time to get prepared.
Written by an Ofsted inspector and published by the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years, Common Inspection Framework, British va...
TPM's systems must comply with the requirements of the Common Inspection Framework (CIF), alongside safeguarding arrangements; specifically those focused on monitoring the impact of activities to ensure they have a beneficial impact on improving operational practices.
In the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework, it's covered under «Effective Leadership and Management»: «Evaluate the quality of the provision and outcomes through robust self - assessment, taking account of users» views, and use the findings to develop capacity for sustainable improvement.»
Carole and her directors have more than 35 years experience in business and working in with the education sector between them, helping head teachers, principles and senior leaders complete self - assessment — a requirement of the Ofsted common inspection framework.
The subscription - based technology enables leaders to focus more time and resources on teaching and learning provision and less on paperwork, helping them to complete self - assessment reports — a requirement of the Ofsted Common Inspection Framework.
«The Common Inspection Framework should be amended to make clear that a secondary school whose careers provision is judged as «requires improvement» or «inadequate» can not be judged as «outstanding» overall.
Her session will explore in practical terms how the SENCO and SEN governor can work together to provide visible support, challenge and strong strategic leadership for SEN.. It will also enable delegates to understand the responsibilities of the governing body in relation the SEN elements of the Common Inspection Framework.
He hopes that the watchdog's new common inspection framework, expected in 18 months» time, will go some way to taking into account «the special nature of our offer».
Guidance for inspecting schools under the common inspection framework, with a mythbuster document on common misconceptions.
He said Ofsted would increasingly look for evidence of «strategic decision - making» in a school's curriculum, something that was likely to form part of a new common inspection framework in September 2019.
Guidance for Ofsted inspectors to use when inspecting safeguarding under the common inspection framework.
From September, we will introduce a new «common inspection framework», with a single set of overarching areas for judgement that will apply to each education remit.
Ofsted's new Common Inspection Framework includes a judgment on personal development, behaviour and welfare.
Under Ofsted's new Common Inspection Framework, Ofsted inspect how «children and learners keep themselves healthy, including through healthy eating».
An Ofsted spokesperson told Schools Week that the inspectorate «will continue to consider careers guidance in line with the common inspection framework and school inspection handbook».
Guidance on how further education and skills providers are inspected under the common inspection framework.
Sean Harford, director of education at Ofsted, said the common inspection framework had changed in 2015 to put more emphasis on pupil progress.
A new common inspection framework was introduced in September 2015.
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