Sentences with phrase «common mild symptom»

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Digestive problems are common during pregnancy, but mention the pains to your doctor and call right away if you have flu - like symptoms (mild fever, muscle aches, headache, and so forth) that go beyond your typical morning sickness.
Most pregnant women are advised by their doctors to pre register themselves at their nearest hospital when they enter pregnancy week 333Some common week 33 pregnancy symptoms experienced by women are edema or a mild swelling which will continue till the latter part of the pregnancyc Some women have notices that hot climates or warm weather conditions tend to aggravate the swellingn Additionally in pregnancy week 33 women tend to experience a rise in body temperature and feel warmer and bloatede This can be taken care of by ensuring that the pregnant woman keeps herself hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the daya
Perhaps this was due merely to the passage of time, or perhaps this was due to a mild form of traumatic brain injury for which memory loss is a common symptom.
NMS actually usually appear earlier in PD than the motor symptoms do, but at that point they're so mild — and also so common in aging people — that they usually aren't recognized as the first signs of the pathology to come, but are instead put down to so - called «normal aging».
People infected by one type usually develop mild flu - like symptoms although severe muscle and joint pain is common; however, if subsequently bitten by a mosquito carrying another of the four types, the second exposure can lead to serious illness and death.
Surprisingly, she says, «mild mood symptoms are very common in perimenopause, when hormones go up and down a lot.»
One of the most common diverticulitis symptoms is abdominal pain (often on the left side of the stomach), which can be mild and sporadic or chronic and constant.
When we consider that fatigue, low energy levels, and mild depression are common symptoms of low testosterone, it is entirely likely that Low T may be, in turn, affecting your health choices related to diet and exercise.
Fatigue and mild hypothyroidism are common symptoms.
Symptoms like constipation or mild diarrhea are very common.
Aside from the common symptoms like intense thirst or sweating too much, here are some of the mild and severe symptoms of dehydration: 2
The ingredients in FemmePhase have been shown to provide support for a wide range of common symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes, cramps, occasional fatigue, night sweats, mild memory issues, mood changes and libido issues.
To minimize this bias, we excluded at baseline 10 280 women with severe depressive symptoms and we computed the cumulative mean of caffeinated and noncaffeinated beverages with at least a 2 - year latency; yet, we can not exclude the possibility that mild depressive symptoms were the common reason for low caffeine consumption and incident depression.
It's even somewhat common for children to catch oral herpes and to have mild symptoms of the virus.
Poinsettia: This common holiday plant can result in mild toxicity including skin irritation (redness and itchiness) and intestinal symptoms (vomiting and diarrhea).
A cat or dog with recent or mild heartworm infections may show no signs of illness; however, once the adult worms have developed in the heart common symptoms can include fatigue, chronic coughing, vomiting, and weight loss.
The most common organism contributing to kennel cough is parainfluenza and an infection with this virus typically lasts less than a week and offers mild symptoms.
Symptoms of canine influenza follow along one of two paths, mild or severe, with the mild form being the most common.
In most cases, tapeworms cause very few clinical signs in affected pets, with mild illness and weight loss the most common symptoms.
A mild cough is one of the most common symptoms noticed early on.
Diarrhea is a common problem in puppies, and can range from a single mild episode to a severe symptom of a serious underlying condition.There are a number of causes of diarrhea in very young dogs including: Stress - Induced; Change in diet; Ingestion of a foreign object; Parasites; Viral infection.
Some of the most common symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury include:
The common symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury are often subtle and include:
Lupsakko, Mantyjarvi, Kautiainen, and Sulkava (2002) found that higher levels of depressive symptomatology (but not clinical depression) occurred in a population - based sample of older adults relative to their non-impaired peers, and Crews and colleagues reported that mild or moderate levels of depressive symptoms are a common comorbid condition among elders who are visually impaired.
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