Sentences with phrase «common wrong choices»

The false idea that profits are taxed on withdrawal, and at full rates, results in common wrong choices.
The false idea that the contribution's tax credit is a benefit results in the most common wrong choice - to contribute to a RRSP «to get the refund», when a TFSA would be better.

Not exact matches

Drug is a dialectal variant that appears in many areas of the U.S. Though drug is common in these areas and can not be considered wrong, it might be seen as out of place in more formal writing, where the traditional dragged is always the safer choice.
The most common ones are the horizontal stripes (horizontal stripes to enhance your bust and vertical stripes to add height and slim the waist) and when it comes to color choice, with the black and white combo you can never go wrong.
[1] Put differently, if, as the courts have repeatedly stated, [2] the class action is only a procedural device that does not alter the substantive law, has the payment of settlement monies to non-parties expanded the remedial choices normally available to a wronged party under either the common law or statute?
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