Sentences with phrase «commonly used on animals»

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And while the science may be disputed, depending on who is funding the study, as to whether commonly used food dyes such as Yellow 5, Red 40 and 6 others made from petroleum pose a «rainbow of risks» that include hyperactivity in children, cancer (in animal studies), and allergic reactions, because of the problem of hyperactivity, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to ban the use of these dyes given that the British government and European Unionhave taken actions that are virtually ending their use of dyes throughout Europe.
Supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation — FAPESP under the aegis of its Research Program on Biodiversity Characterization, Conservation, Restoration & Sustainable Use (BIOTA - FAPESP, the study relied on the collaboration of the City's Animal Health Control Center and its Department of Parks & Green Areas to carry out a collection of 37,972 specimens of the family Culicidae (which gathers flies commonly known as mosquitoes) from nine municipal parks — later laboratory analysis would show that these mosquitoes belonged to 73 species and 14 genera.
Eating meat from animals grazed on land treated with commonly - used agricultural fertilizers might have serious implications for pregnant women and the future reproductive health of their unborn children, according to a new study involving sheep.
In particular, Panksepp's work has focused on «the possibility that our most commonly used animal subjects, laboratory rodents, may have social - joy type experiences during their playful activities and that an important communicative - affective component of that process, which invigorates social engagement, is a primordial form of laughter.»
Diet - Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Rodent Models - An article from the March 2007 issue of Animal Lab News on how diets made from purified ingredients influence the phenotypes of the MS in commonly used rodent models, authored by our scientists.
Dr. Elizabeth Curry - Galvin of the American Veterinary Medical Association in Schaumburg, Ill., said there have been burglaries of veterinarians» offices in which the anesthetic ketamine — used most commonly on animals — was stolen.
Animals used on farms make up the majority of those raised and used by humans, with an estimated 33 billion land animals alive at any given time.18 This estimate is more exact than any other we will consider, since governments conduct counts of livestock in order to understand and regulate local economies.19 However, this is a somewhat similar undercounting to what we saw for lab animals: fish and shellfish are not counted, and in some areas they are raised for consumption in large numbers.20 The estimates also neglect other animals used for food, such as wild fish or commonly hunted land animals, although these animals may be affected by some of the advocacy aimed at helping farmed animals through promoting diet Animals used on farms make up the majority of those raised and used by humans, with an estimated 33 billion land animals alive at any given time.18 This estimate is more exact than any other we will consider, since governments conduct counts of livestock in order to understand and regulate local economies.19 However, this is a somewhat similar undercounting to what we saw for lab animals: fish and shellfish are not counted, and in some areas they are raised for consumption in large numbers.20 The estimates also neglect other animals used for food, such as wild fish or commonly hunted land animals, although these animals may be affected by some of the advocacy aimed at helping farmed animals through promoting diet animals alive at any given time.18 This estimate is more exact than any other we will consider, since governments conduct counts of livestock in order to understand and regulate local economies.19 However, this is a somewhat similar undercounting to what we saw for lab animals: fish and shellfish are not counted, and in some areas they are raised for consumption in large numbers.20 The estimates also neglect other animals used for food, such as wild fish or commonly hunted land animals, although these animals may be affected by some of the advocacy aimed at helping farmed animals through promoting diet animals: fish and shellfish are not counted, and in some areas they are raised for consumption in large numbers.20 The estimates also neglect other animals used for food, such as wild fish or commonly hunted land animals, although these animals may be affected by some of the advocacy aimed at helping farmed animals through promoting diet animals used for food, such as wild fish or commonly hunted land animals, although these animals may be affected by some of the advocacy aimed at helping farmed animals through promoting diet animals, although these animals may be affected by some of the advocacy aimed at helping farmed animals through promoting diet animals may be affected by some of the advocacy aimed at helping farmed animals through promoting diet animals through promoting diet change.
Based on the family of figure eights and simple mechanical advantage systems, this class offers participants a chance to examine in detail commonly used rescue knots and haul systems used in both technical small and large animal rescue.
Although choke - chain collars are necessary for controlling some dogs and are commonly used in obedience training, they should be removed when not actually required, because animals can catch such devices on projections and be strangled.
But undercover investigations in the US must use investigators who are not identifiable as animal activists, because farms commonly run background checks on people applying to work with animals, in part to prevent investigations.
Intracardiac injection, commonly known as heartstick, could only be used on unconscious, comatose or «heavily sedated» animals.
What makes Natural Balance's Limited Ingredient line different from other natural kibbles is a focus on unique and novel animal proteins like duck and lamb, instead of the commonly used chicken, beef, and pork.
In the revealing special, you can learn about the history of pit bulls, dating back to the 1800s, when they were commonly used on farms and cattle ranches to herd animals.
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