Sentences with word «commuity»

Have you been spouting off all that oil - company provided nonsense about climate change being a scam of those oh - so - well - funded scientific commuity with a supposed «agenda».
Sit and enjoy your eyes with amazing view of rice field cultivated by local commuity.
Those who live in commuities fortunate and forward - thinking enough to self - fund school food shouldn't forget those in less affluent districts for whom such funding is a pipe dream — nor should they neglect to mention that funding when they tout their achievements, lest they create false expectations.
«The governor, when he doesn't get his way, he goes agressively on the offensive, and this time, it's against commuity organizers like us,» Westin said.
Dr. Zucker will be participating with commuity organizations to promote healthy behaviors in several events throughout Public Health Week.
It's no wonder that the entire world science commuity is involved in the coverup, given the sheer number of Massive Lies that have to be maintained.
In many ways, very little of what is going on in Chew Magna will be new to seasoned Treehuggers, but the fact that the village is making a communal effort, and creating a collective identity, around sustainability is a very inspiring example of what can be done when commuities get together to achieve a common goal.
Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW, is an author, Certified AEDP therapist (2010) and Supervisor who has been active in the AEDP commuity since 2004.
When the city failed to support the park scheme, the commuity groups solicited the support of the State Government.
As race and class are directly correlated in America, these societal goods resulting from SEL programs would be a great addition to any commuity and could work towards alleviating concerns about having students work alongside folks not from their racial or class in - group.
Children need to have a sense of belonging in their commuity, but it's also essential that they are able to participate actively in the relationships in that network.
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