Sentences with phrase «communal living objectives»

Forlornhope wrote: ``... too many in the green movement have been using climate change as a vehicle to promote their simple life, communal living objectives
The latter is possible but too many in the green movement have been using climate change as a vehicle to promote their simple life, communal living objectives.
Forlornhope@27 «The latter is possible but too many in the green movement have been using climate change as a vehicle to promote their simple life, communal living objectives.

Not exact matches

Denialism gives you victim / threatened status (those evildoers are attacking our beliefs, we need to be warriors), enough victories to think of oneself as a winner but maintain the communal aspects of thinking oneself under threat, charismatic leaders, the companionship of shared beliefs, a sense of superiority to those who disbelieve, and, in the most cult - like aspect, the assurance of being above mere facts, of living in a world where your personal beliefs trump mere objective facts.
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