Sentences with phrase «communicate simple ideas»

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The concept is simple: Try to communicate business ideas using words of only one syllable.
Unfortunately, for some audiences, the controversy has overshadowed what Bell has always been best at: Communicating big ideas in simple ways.
But you, like any other writer, can stand to benefit from having a simple strategy for effectively communicating complex ideas.
The base of it — and a good part of the substance of it — is so eminently simple that it could go unnoticed: the speed and ease with which we now communicate have so accelerated the flow of ideas that the scientific enterprise is more interconnected than ever before.
He plans to work on a project that will advance the Lab's goal of communicating complex ideas in a simpler way.
«The message was simple: the act of organizing ideas with a view to communicating in writing to others does more than simply demonstrate what knowledge we have.
Those observing in primary grades noticed that when students were asked to draw pictures or write simple sentences that captured the main idea of a story, the students focused their pictures and sentences on the primary characters but didn't necessarily communicate the main idea or theme of the story itself.
One of the qualities common to a lot of successful non-fiction books is that of having simple ideas compellingly communicated to the audience.
Ironically, while these artists thought they were communicating their ideas in the simplest ways possible, artworks of this sort appear to the general public as «difficult» (hard to understand) or at the extreme, a put - on («my kid could do that!»).
The Interpretation Matters Handbook shines a light on the kind of writing produced by art galleries for public information and challenges preconceived ideas and notions around art language, generic wondering if simpler language can be used to communicate better.
His deceptively simple visual language succeeds in communicating complex ideas.
It came from a simple idea to help exchange students communicate effectively with each other.
The message is simple and understated and communicates the idea of extravagance by not filling all the precious ad space with a sales pitch.
The reason is simple: stories — and the themes they contain — are the principal mode by which we communicate ideas.
The only idea is to communicate the required information in the most simple and informative manner.
Employers look at your simple resume and immediately get an idea of how well you can communicate.
• Ability to communicate any idea in simple and clear way.
Both of these abstract ideas are communicated through a simple monthly calendar hung at their eye level and for their benefit.
Just as they do in social movements, company rallying cries communicate big ideas in simple, powerful ways that unite people around a common struggle or goal.
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