Sentences with phrase «communication between partners»

Our couples therapists focus on improving patterns of communication between partners, with the hope of creating moments of intimate connection in the therapy room.
As with any relationship in which there is a power imbalance, there is often a lack of effective communication between partners and associates.
The model has improved communications between partners and is adaptable to individual hospitals.
Relationship counseling might focus on the poor communication between the partners and help them to express themselves better, and build more understanding and negotiate clearer rules for a better relationship.
Successful sexual intimacy results from communications between the partners, and learning what is the most pleasant for each partner.
Responsible for communication between partners, technical, support departments and management.
New research from Australian scholars shows that communication between partners about their sexual relationship can significantly increase sexual satisfaction in couples.
My job is to not take sides and assist in helping to create authentic communication between partners.
Healthy, balanced relationships are characterized by effective communication between partners.
Couples therapy focuses on improving patterns of communication between partners.
Results from an 18 - month longitudinal study2 indicate that sexual satisfaction and relationship quality are linked, possibly because of the role of enhanced communication between partners.
Using a sample of married individuals employed full - time (N = 1,117), this study examined the mediating effects of constructive and destructive communication between partners on the relationship between work — family conflict and marital satisfaction.
Some couples share joint social networking site accounts to reduce relationship conflict, and there are some social networking site apps, such as the 2Life app, that facilitates interpersonal communication between partners
Anyone can start dating with Tinder as this app is designed with user - friendly interface and it has all advanced features to enhance healthy communications between partners.
I learned how to intervene effectively and encourage communication between partners by showing them how their values, history, and subconscious dreams may be causing some of their most serious issues, as well as how to process fights in a way that is productive and allows them to assess their Friendship Profile, Conflict Profile, and Shared Meanings Profile.
«I offer both individual and couples counseling with the primary focus of increasing communication between partners and family members.
The role of the divorce coach may include teaching: effective problem - solving communication between partners (e.g., to help each side listen and understand what the other is saying to them), ways to reduce conflict, emotion regulation strategies, and short - and long - term goal setting.
Dr. Ravachi follows the EFT evidenced based treatment for couple to help restore communication between partners.
Masters and colleagues (1976, 1986), as well as more contemporary researchers (e.g. Ferroni & Taffee, 1997), found that to foster a satisfying sexual relationship, communication (in general), and sexual communication between partners (in particular) are essential.
Intentionality to have open communication between partners throughout the process will help to increase intimacy.
I am a skilled relationship counselor, and I love to work with individuals and intimate partnerships addressing relational challenges, improving communication between partners, exploring improved intimate connection, and increasing a sense of joy in life.
Effective communication between partners is typically considered a necessary aspect of a healthy relationship, and when communication problems occur in relationships and between family members, therapy can help address the issues and explore any underlying causes.
Although a lot of people may think that infidelity or even financial struggles are the leading causes for divorce, there are studies which indicate that an even bigger reason is poor communication between partners.
The most important element in your decision making is communication between your partner and your gestational carrier, to come up with a plan that works for everyone.
This has proved to be helpful in easing the communication between the partners.
Most committee members agreed that communications between partners and associates were inadequate.
So you click on that or you do a search for the person's name and it's pretty fast to grab and that will open up the Trello card and really all we have is a sequence of either communication between my partner and I that are on the cards.
Examples might include: associates failing to record accurate billable hours in the firm's billing software, a lack of collaboration and communication between partners and younger associates, associates spending an excess of time using a specific software program or failing to use the firm's desired data entry methods, or fewer recorded pro bono hours than the firm's desired output.
Any relationship lives and dies on the quality of the communication between partners, and distance not only reduces the available windows for communication, it also compromises our ability to communicate well because several communication channels (proximity, physical touch, body language, even expression and tone) are compromised.
Our systematic approach towards couple therapy is defined on the lines of enhancing the communication between the partners, and establishing short term and long term goals, where both the partners would be given their own schedules of expectations to be fulfilled, effectively working towards improving the relationship.
Improving communication and conflict resolution skills Therapy facilitates clean, clear and effective communication between partners.
These therapy methods are developed and used in the couple counseling process to improve the communication between the partners.
The most difficult thing during the divorce is communication between partners.
Our systematic approach towards couple therapy is defined on the lines of enhancing the communication between the partners, and establishing short term and long term goals, where both the partners would be...
Two veteran family therapists have each written an excellent book on communication between partners.
Communication between partners... how did this factor out in the build?
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