Sentences with phrase «communicative power»

"Communicative power" refers to the ability to effectively express yourself and influence others through your words, gestures, or messages. It's about being able to communicate your ideas and feelings in a way that is persuasive, engaging, and understood by the people you are trying to communicate with. Full definition
The danger of exhibitionism should not cause one to miss the real communicative power of personal witness.
The evangelical and fundamentalist traditions of Christianity, which have benefitted most from this situation, justify their in - equable communicative power in terms which, in the light of this analysis, can be seen to be false and self - deluding.
Marketing coordinators combine business expertise with communicative power to instruct clients about company products and prospects.
Extra Curricular activities and soft skills: [mention all soft skills possessed by the candidate including communicative powers and persuasion techniques]
Lord Jim Knight: The computing and communicative power of a smartphone is extraordinary.
It may privately satisfy the preacher to ridicule and scorn antiquated imagery but the persistence of those old pictures is a tribute to the communicative power of previous generations and an indictment of his own inability to replace them.
Dr. Tortora has published numerous papers about her therapeutic and nonverbal communication analysis work and her book, The Dancing Dialogue: Using the communicative power of movement with young children is used in dance / movement therapy training programs.
The fifth estate, to my mind, is the degree to which the internet is allowing individuals to source their own information and networks outside of their institutions in ways which enhance their communicative power.
To be fully literate is to have the communicative power of language at your command — to read, write, listen, and speak with understanding.
Peregoy and Boyle (1997) have found that ELLs often use drawing as a pre-write and illustrate their stories and journal entries to support the communicative power of their writing.
Do you buy the current idea that abstraction is simply one style among many, and that its communicative power is diminished?
The series aimed to counter negative imagery of African Americans in the media through the communicative power of photography and offer a meaningful, alternative view of that community in the hopes of confronting the root causes of racial inequality.
This focus on the communicative power of art rather than on the objects it creates is central to Althamer's work, placing him at the forefront of current developments in contemporary art.
The celebrated British mezzo - soprano moves from the vast opera stage to the intimate Park Avenue Armory Board of Officers Room for a recital that showcases her communicative power of lieder and art song.
Through the communicative power of her brush, Bernstein exposes the dazzling rhythm of our humanity, the inspiring beat that tethers us all.
In some cases, text retains its communicative power, while in others, it dissolves into form and object, blurring the line between looking and reading.
Dr. Tortora has published numerous papers about her therapeutic and nonverbal communication analysis work and her book, The Dancing Dialogue: Using the communicative power of movement with young children is used in dance / movement therapy training programs.
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