Sentences with phrase «communion with others»

Books and movies can provide our own private oasis, but also a way to find communion with others.
I can tell you, you will probably settle your soul and heart if you can find an organic communion with others that is free and nurturing.
This means commitment and trust, tenderness, respect for the other, and the desire for ongoing and responsible communion with the other.
It is spirit seeking the enjoyment of freedom in communion with the other.
The most holy, the noblest, the best, the most godlike things about us is our human capacity to learn personhood in responsible self - government (taking up personal responsibility for our own eternal fate) and to share in communion with other persons, and most of all with the unseen God.
It especially concerns affectivity, the capacity to love and to procreate, and in a more general way the aptitude for forming bonds of communion with others.
Overcrowding and the unremitting pressures of space and time increase the degree to which one is jostled, body and soul, but decrease the opportunity of unhurried and fruitful communion with other souls.
But she or he does approach that fullness through communion with other persons and creatures, each of whom in their relations with God and with others fill out aspects that would be lacking for any one individual.
The meal is ideally an occasion for communion with other people, and it is to this consummation that the activity of eating should be directed.
You must have some diliberate communion with others who will love, correct and stay with you though all trials.
They also enter into communion with each other, indwelling each other as different persons.
Patriarch Bartholomew's first move could be to normalize the canonical standing of the ecclesial bodies that are presently not in communion with other Orthodox Churches.
While an admonition such as «Remember, O man, that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return» sounds like the solemn - admonitory, the point of the memento mori is to contemplate worldly death in order to fit oneself for otherworldly life in communion with other eternal souls, not somehow to find comfort in the commonality of our mortal lot.
He was part of the Redemptorist movement within Catholic orders, which put particular emphasis on communion with other branches of Christianity, the ending of violence and social justice.
The individual acquires more subjectivity in a form free from inner conflict to the measure that he experiences deep communion with others.
As Henri Nouwen expressed it, donors participate «in a new communion with others while becoming part of a much larger spiritual vision and fruitfulness.»
BTW, Catholics are taught that the Eastern Churches are the schismatics; but if were five ancient patriarchs at the time of the schism and four of them are still in communion with each other which one is most likely to be the schismatic?
The universe is, rather, a vast multiplicity of individual realities with both qualitative and quantitative differences all in spiritual - physical communion with each other.
Application of family systems theory provides the opportunity to heal and grow, reframing divorce as a cooperative effort to mobilize resilience and hope, relearn how to be effective in the world, and foster communion with others.
In His own words: «blessed are those who hunger and thirst» I don't feel that one can disregard «all images, all philosophies, all religions, all theologies, all spiritualities, all institutions and organizations» Jesus showed us the way though His church and through communion with others.
The human person, Jenson contends, is created for communion with others.
We emphasize the church's life of worship, in which human identity is elevated as persons find communion with others and God.
We honor Cleve at the same time that we endeavor to teach others how to be unlike him, even if only by being one step more careful in their acts of communion with others, keeping their fluids to themselves.
A few ambiguous or even unfortunate paragraphs in the Joint Declaration of Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill will have little effect on the inner vitality of this Church, which comes from a deep inner calling to bring the Orthodox and Catholic worlds back into communion with each other.
This transformed image will enable the Church more effectively and creatively to be in communion with others for the cause of the Kingdom.
What kind of existence can a soul have which can receive no sense impressions and make no physical response, and hence have no communication and no communion with other souls?
There are 22 particular Churches in communion with each other and the Church of Rome.
It's not until the cost of that silence overwhelms us that we take the risk to find communion with others and hope to survive it.
Like the ethics of authenticity, the vocabulary of vocation also foregrounds the question of our deepest identities, forged finally in communion with others.
You have found a ministry and communion with others through the simple things that make routine life a pleasure.
Just as Traherne's experience of the glorious world, focused in scripture, became a communion with God in all saints, so this other dark individual experience is also a communion with others.
This means that our categories of individuality and communion with the other, freedom, action and suffering, causality which leaves the other free to be moved by the other, and impartiality of judgment have their analogues in the being of God.
Humans» communion with each other is also an instrument of the fuller communion with God.
However, our communion with each other, if it is to be full communion, needs to go beyond the Sacrament of Baptism.
«Whilst the government continues to present these cases as a purely administrative matter, the fact remains that the destruction of houses of worship violates all international norms, as does the use of excessive force on civilians who are peaceably exercising their right to worship in communion with others.
Living beings are in communion with each other and thus communicate each other.
Conversely, it is in the nature of the human person — an originating source of knowing and of loving — to be in communion with others, who share in his or her knowing and loving.
Thank you Marina Abramovic for giving a space for us to receive from our communion with each other and the Creator, the flow of spirit that inspires and loves and gives us all so much in presence, this gift is really a life changing moment, diamond heart love.
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