Sentences with phrase «communist nation»

A "communist nation" refers to a country that has a political system where the government controls the economy and resources, aiming to create an equal society where everyone shares wealth and work. Full definition
The dictators in communist nations tended to take the place of monarchs but that never really caught hold in the US even though there's still that relationship in the minds of many.
Because the leaders of Communist nations (chiefly Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot) happily slaughtered millions of their own people in the name of revolution, or instituted policies that led to famine and mass death.
Other communist nations even China have much freedom comparing to North Korea.
On 1 May the Czech Republic and seven other former communist nations, along with Malta and Cyprus, will join the European Union (E.U.), marking a stunning historic transition that began with the rise of Poland's Solidarity movement in the mid-1980s.
A one - hour flight over the Florida Straits will make it easier and cheaper for Americans to visit the long - isolated communist nation.
Communism is not unrelated to nationalism, as the development of great communist nations such as the U.S.S.R. and China well demonstrates.
Secondly, it's not about «many communist nations», it's about Russia.
Many American medals in boxing, wrestling and women's track and swimming would have gone to competitors from Communist nations, had those athletes participated.
Many in the US didn't oppose Communism and the country never attacked communist nations.
While after the Second World War the United States considered communist nations, particularly the Soviet Union, to be the ideological enemy to defeat, our country is now more concerned impact of far - right organizations and especially Islamic radicals.
He begins flying over Communist nations in South America with a camera attached to his plane capturing images of soldiers and bases that the CIA can use in its operations.
High school students can play Papers, Please — a serious game about being a border patrol agent checking passports in a fictional Communist nation in 1982.
A university in this formerly Communist nation endeavors to update the educational system's Soviet - era pedagogy.
Her chilling impressions of a dreary, muffled, and depleted land are juxtaposed with a uniquely to - the - point history of how North Korea became an industrialized Communist nation supported by the Soviet Union and China and ruled by Kim Il Sung, then collapsed catastrophically into poverty, darkness, and starvation under the dictator's son, Kim Jong Il.
It came from an East German pharmaceutical company called Jenapharm, which produced most of the steroidal compounds used in the former communist nation's athletic doping program.
they played regularly during the cold war as did other communist nations.
The Apple CEO was criticized for appearing to endorse the Chinese government's Internet policy, which tightly controls the flow of information in the communist nation.
A communist nation as recently as 1989, Poland has since transformed itself into one of the fastest growing free - market economies in the euro area.
Cuba: News that Anglo - Dutch consumer products company Unilever will return to Cuba to build a $ 35 million plant in the special development zone at the port of Mariel, about 40 kilometers west of Havana, is one of the clearest signs yet that the communist nation is taking a more pragmatic approach to foreign direct investment.
it's something that can never be proven either way because the Communist nations never started a war and are now too economically weak to actually start one anytime soon, and Iraq is no longer a threat.
The more we allow our government to dictate how we are going to run our companies the closer we become a communist nation where the government runs everything.
On Christmas Eve 2009, Park, 29, crossed into North Korea in hopes of drawing attention to the Communist nation's human rights violations and persecution of Christians.
Hall says he really wants to return to the communist nation for a third time.
This new technological worldview and its communication manifestations are achieving a remarkable unity of acceptance everywhere - not only among the capitalist West and the communist nations, but also among the less technically developed nations.
NORTH KOREA The highest court in North Korea has sentenced a China - based American missionary to 15 years of hard labor for «crimes aimed to topple» the Communist nation.
Russia is not a communist nation.
The clash between Christianity and communism is a reality within the Communist nations, and nothing can handicap churches in those nations more than for them to appear to be allies of the West in the international struggle.
Americans should be helped to see the world as it appears to the Communist nations and to take more seriously the changes that have taken place, especially in the Soviet Union, Poland, and even Hungary.
In addition to his responsibilities at the Communist nation's first megachurch — the 10,000 - member Chongyi Church — Gu also held a leadership role in China's state - approved denomination, the Three - Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM).
It's a place where economic growth, presently led by China, the communist nation that rapidly embraced capitalism when it suited it, is likely to be challenged in the not - distant future by India's economic expansion.
It was — save the Olympic Games of Moscow and Sarajevo — the most consequential athletic event ever conducted in a communist nation.
He has since made several other trips — including to Cuba, with which he and other governors are anxious to strengthen ties now that the Obama administration is moving to normalize relations with the communist nation.
@DVK, the USSR has never been a communist nation and was certainly not left - wing state, nor is it lauded by progressives.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il died this week after 17 years as leader of the communist nation.
Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, first announced his plans to take the trip after Mr. Obama announced he was urging Congress to lift a trade embargo and was taking other actions himself to make travel and trade with the communist nation easier.
Governor Andrew Cuomo plans to visit Cuba this spring for a state trade mission to the communist nation.
Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, recently announced he would make a trip to Cuba after President Barack Obama began normalizing diplomatic relations with the Communist nation.
Between fantasy worlds, wrestling rings, and Communist nations, there are plenty of places to get away with this week's New Releases.
The Communist nation is enjoying rising stature in the world marketplace, marked by its entrance into the World Trade Organization in 2001.
However, it is known that following the establishment of the People's Republic of China as a communist nation, the dog population of China was essentially eliminated.
The Cuba I discovered was not only full of life but also paved the way to a deeper understanding of the culture of this communist nation.
Time's Managing Editor Rick Stengel called the image in support of the article exploring the Communist nation's newfound power and influence a work of «artistic supremacy,» Read More
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