Sentences with phrase «communist world government»

The idea that the Bureau of Meteorology is part of a global conspiracy to destroy Australia's economy impose communist world government (or in some more prosaic versions, to increase its funding [1]-RRB- sounds like the basis of a bad comedy sketch.
The «green lobbies» accusation is somehow implicit, but of course everything is a «green lobby» to paranoid libertarians because it's all part of the secret communist world government.
Now of course «skeptics» are going to claim that this is an effort at mass indoctrination and an attempt to force their dogma / ideology / hoax / communist world government onto society.
If we had a communist world government run by alarmists, climate change could be solved by force.
Thousands of scientists discussing and critically assessing each each other's work on the cutting edge, as opposed to conspiring together about how they can continue to hoodwink the general public on behalf of a communist world government (or something).
Remember this, next time you hear people claiming that climate scientists are only in it for the money, or that environmentalists are trying to create a communist world government: these ideas were devised and broadcast by energy companies.
With great fanfare in Copenhagen, Viscount Monckton of Brenchley — the man who believes that action on climate change is a conspiracy to create a communist world government — announced this morning that he was joining the UK Independence Party.
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