Sentences with phrase «community care services»

For instance, a child who is homeless who needs to bring a court challenge to get accommodation from social services; or a disabled adult wrongly denied community care services.
We advise on everything from rights to access community care services, to best interests, to data protection of patient's records, to procurement issues arising from the NHS reforms.
R (Buckinghamshire County Council) v Kingston - upon - Thames Royal London Borough Council [2011] EWCA Civ 457, [2012] PTSR 854 (High Court and Court of Appeal) Jonathan represented Buckinghamshire on a challenge to a lack of consultation before another local authority placed an individual in receipt of community care services in its area.
The Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995 (C (RS) A 1995) provided that when a local authority assesses someone's needs for community care services or the needs of a disabled child, a person who provides / intends to provide substantial regular care for that person has the right to request an assessment of his ability to provide and to continue to provide care.
This means that solicitors (and barristers) will have to decide whether to carry out the work for a homeless family, a person facing removal, a disabled client refused community care services etc, at the risk of not being paid for the substantial work in judicial review cases.
It will mean that the majority of non-British nationals or British nationals who have lived abroad and returned to the UK would be barred from accessing legal help and representation where they are facing homelessness, a legal case about access to their child, or the provision of essential community care services.
Clause 134 tackles what has been one of the biggest obstacles to take - up of direct payments — cash payments in place of direct provision of local authority community care services, which the recipient then uses to buy the required care service on the open market.
Section 2 creates a duty upon local authorities, in certain circumstances, to secure the provision of non-residential community care services, such as practical assistance in the home.
Adult community care services, including accommodation under the National Assistance Act 1948 and other services under the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970
P's needs could only be met under NAA 1948, s 21, as he would never be able to live independently, even in adulthood, and would therefore need the full range of community care services available to him under this statutory provision.
I have over 10 years of Healthcare / care giving and community care service experience.
11/2008 to Current WORK Justice Resource Institute Community Care Services, Inc Total Achievement Program... funding sources and collaborate with community programs to develop TAP programming and curriculum opportunities... program and agency at selected meetings within the community.
She has worked with Health Workforce Australia, Healthdirect Australia, Premier and Cabinet in South Australia and more recently as a consultant to health and community care services across Australia.
The decision in KM therefore confirms the decision of the majority in the House of Lords ruling in R v Gloucestershire County Council, Ex Parte Barry [1997] AC 584, that a local authority can have regard to resources when deciding whether or not it is necessary to provide community care services.
Then Oldham wrote to H, and other users and carers, saying that it was considering the fees charged for community care services and asking for views.
The Bill also makes some piecemeal, but significant changes to the legislation governing the provision of community care services.
The «ordinary residence» rules are important because place of ordinary residence determines which local authority is responsible for providing a person's community care services.
Two recent High Court decisions have put down markers for local councils who are seeking to reduce the costs of community care services.
We have been at the forefront of litigation challenging cuts to health and community care services.
We are regularly instructed in cases involving the disputed boundaries between healthcare, community care services, housing services and children's services.
So in the view of May LJ: «All this shows that health care is to be provided by the PCT as delegate of the secretary of state, and that community care services are to be provided by the local social services authority.
Community care services can include public health nursing, home help, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, chiropody, day care and respite care.
Medical cards, GP Visit Cards, Drugs payment scheme, Dental services, Nursing Homes Support Scheme, Community care services...
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