Sentences with phrase «community engagement activities»

Recipients participate in a variety of community engagement activities including operating free neighborhood clinics, helping patients pay for their medications, delivering healthy literacy education and mentorship to youth, handing out free bike helmets to kids, conducting medical and psychological examinations to those seeking asylum in the United States, giving out safe sleep sacs for newborn infants, and more!
AAAS Science, Technology and Policy fellow Maryam Zaringhalam started community engagement activities during her PhD that helped her transition into a career in science policy...
After one consultation session at which DEWR presented, a number of organisational representatives discussed their impression of the extent to which community engagement activities would continue to be part of the enhanced STEP model.
Works produced through the Art on the Grounds program range from sculptural objects to time - based performance events and experiences, durational projects developing out of community engagement activities and workshops, sound works, and interventions.
The Art Programme encompasses major landmark commissions, on - site artist residencies every year as well as a programme of temporary events and community engagement activities.
In fact, many of us have relevant expertise gained through volunteerism, internships, and community engagement activities.
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