Sentences with phrase «community risk»

They also need practical tools to help children who may be at higher risk for mental health problems, due to family or community risk factors.
These can be incredibly powerful tools for understanding how climate change will likely shape both industry and coastal community risk exposure in the years ahead.
These can be incredibly powerful tools for understanding how climate change will likely shape both industry and coastal community risk exposure in the years ahead.
«Including community risk factors in future investigations may help improve health and wellbeing by identifying individuals at risk for poorer outcomes.»
The CDC points to several community risk factors for youth violence including diminished economic opportunities, high levels of crime and socially disorganized neighborhoods.
If conservatives close the door on the gay community they risk years in the political wilderness, a Tory front bencher told an American audience tonight.
Community risk profiles: A tool to improve environment and community health.
trial of clinical interventions which are able to address both common and unique risk and protective factors for mental health within this community
Twenty - nine years of experience and service in EMS, Operations, and Community Risk Reduction Division at Metro Fire.
Today, results of large - scale surveys identifying individual and community risk factors for HIV and other infectious diseases can take years to show up, so having a real - time look at the conversations happening on Twitter could prove to be very advantageous, Albarracín, Ungar, and their colleagues discuss on their Health and Social Media Group page.
At 12:30 p.m., Sen. Diane Savino and environmental advocates from groups discuss the Legislature's passage of the «Community Risk and Resiliency Act» and call for the governor to sign it; parking lot across the street from Savino's district office, 36 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island.
The NYLCV counts passage of the Community Risk and Resiliency Act as a major success this year, but is disappointed that lawmakers failed to act on the Child Safe Products Act, which would have regulated and phased out toxic chemicals in children's products.
The NYLCV said it based its decision in part on the fact that Martins was a supporter of all three of its top priorities in this past session: the Community Risk and Resiliency Act; the Child Safe Product Act; and reforms to the Brownfield Cleanup Program.
Several individual items of legislation did receive A grades from the League of Conservation Voters, including the Community Risk and Resiliency Act — one of its priorities — invasive species mitigation, and incentives for local wine and beer production.
I think the legislature deserves a great deal of credit for passing the Community Risk and Resiliency Act.
One of those was the Community Risk and Resiliency Act which really helps to prepare communities for future climate change.
The officers who serve and protect our communities risk their own safety for ours every single day — and they deserve our respect and gratitude every single day,» Obama said in the statement.
Some of these initiatives include, the Better Buffalo Fund; Upstate Revitalization Initiative; an enhanced historic preservation tax credit; land banks legislation; zombie properties reforms; brownfield redevelopment reforms; Complete Streets law and funding; Community Risk & Resiliency Act; Age Friendly / Health Across All Policies; Cleaner Greener and Clean Energy Communities; Climate - Smart Communities grants; and craft beverage reforms.
Increasing exemption rates can increase individual and community risk to vaccine - preventable diseases, the authors write.
The influx of international donations that flowed into these communities risked creating a state of dependency within these communities.
Decrease euthanasia rates in shelters by pulling animals directly from at - risk lists and providing these animals visibility and exposure to the community
These dogs have given invaluable service to their departments and our communities risking serious injury on a daily basis.
Responsible for applying the Community Risk Reduction Model to identified risks and hazards in the community.
Protective Factors for the Perpetration of Youth Violence Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Summarizes individual, family, social, and community risk factors in the perpetuation of youth violence, and identifies preliminary research on individual and social protective factors that can buffer young people from the risks of becoming violent.
Child Abuse and Neglect: Risk and Protective Factors Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Provides risk and protective factors for maltreatment, including individual, family, and community risk factors for perpetration.
She is interested in early childhood development in the context of family and community risk, with emphasis on families in the perinatal period.
There aren't enough places for these debates, and important issues affecting the health of our community risk going unexplored.
Parenting matters: Moderation of biological and community risk for obesity.
Child, family, school and community risk factors for poor mental health in Brazilian schoolchildren
Do you have a professional, civic, or neighborhood group that wants to learn more about flood risks in your area and what you can do to lower your personal and community risk?
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