Sentences with phrase «community understanding»

"Community understanding" refers to when people in a particular neighborhood, society, or group have a shared knowledge and awareness of each other, their needs, and the challenges they face. It involves empathy, cooperation, and respect for others to build a sense of unity and support within the community. Full definition
Carefully designed research at these sites will help local communities understand what is at risk and how best to mitigate the harm.
While the need for industry oversight and potential regulation is clear, a lack of community understanding creates stigma and encourages silence.
Once a leadership team has helped the school community understand the importance of culture and climate, they are ready to consider assessing it.
Now, the medical community understands that there's a whole separate world of living organisms within your intestines, and keeping them balanced keeps you healthy.
Students with and without disabilities gain acceptance and confidence, become passionate leaders, and help schools and broader communities understand and embrace inclusion.
But many within the business community understood what was happening, and what it means for the future of business.
It's not a topic the start - up community understands well.
The ministers, as well as the black community understood this fully.
But because it launched out on its heroic adventure, it now helps a wider community understand how society might be healed.
She says the name has been a barrier to having communities understand who the council serves.
Professional dating is something we and our gay community understand.
She focuses on the influence generational similarities and differences have on how members of early childhood communities understand, communicate and collaborate with each other.
But, in fact, many communities understand that in a world where a job can be located anywhere, people need to have a good reason to choose their city or town.
As a result of Losing Ground, Mass Audubon launched the award - winning Shaping the Future of Your Community program, which helps communities understand, formulate, adopt, and implement tools for charting a more sustainable future through customized community workshops and direct assistance.
San Rafael, CA About Blog Zero Breast Cancer helps individuals and communities understand scientific research on environmental risk factors and lifestyle variables that influence breast cancers.
There will be little support for a new political agenda based on a participatory process unless local communities understand such processes and receive protection from the state — and people see that the democratic process will indeed bring more benefits and security than before.
So we're putting video of the 2007 Independent Games Summit online «for free, in the spirit of sharing, and to help the indie community understand and better itself», and the third IGS 2007 lecture to go up is Dave Grossman & Kevin Bruner of Telltale Games (you know, the Sam & Max guys!)
By Joe Bastardi, Weatherbell Analytics When the PDO turned cold, most of the meteorological and climate community understood that the pattern was turning very similar the last time of the PDO reversal, the 1950s, and it was a matter of time before the global temperatures, which have leveled off, would start falling in the same...
The Commission keeps social justice issues before the Australian Government and promotes community understanding and respect for the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Paul is not wasting his breath — he is trying to help a Gentile community understand the teachings of the Torah and Prophets — and the goodness that can come from them — and also the immoral things that can lead you away from God (the kingdom — here and now — then and there).
In the faith community we understand that this purpose is community with our Creator and each other (first and second greatest commandments).
The early Christian community understood Jesus» commands to prohibit the bearing of arms.
«Most communities understood that the rate decrease was forthcoming, and all towns have received less income because of the economy, so if we don't get the rate decrease at this time, it's basically going to equal a tax increase for our residents,» Mueller said.
Carlucci, an Independent Democrat, says the event aims to help the local immigrant community understand its rights and provide ways to defend itself.
The Summit Park Elementary community understands the educational value of recreation time for students and is thrilled the students will now have a new playground thanks to our Senator.
Our small suburban community understands that if students know how to behave and act responsibly, the whole community will benefit,» DAmato told Education World.
Ford led community outreach efforts for Parent Revolution, an organization that helps parents in underserved communities understand their school options.
This guide is designed to help the Chicago community understand how our public schools are funded.
«We are delighted the investment community understands how we are facilitating these new interactions between authors and readers.»
Risks The recent use of specific tests for cats with suspected pancreatitis has helped the veterinary community understand that pancreatitis is a common disease in cats — much more widespread than once thought.
«Linda brings tremendous academic credentials and extensive training to her work, but what really makes her special is her passionate devotion to helping the dog - owning community understand the benefits and effectiveness of using positive training methods as opposed to flawed compulsion and dominance - based techniques.»
Maui vacationers who opt to stay at the Wailea Beach Villas luxury condominiums resort community understand that a compromise between well appointed vacation space and excellent personal service is not necessary.
Fashion forms part of a society's rich tapestry and can serve as an entry point into contemplating how marginalized and racialized communities understand themselves and their place in the world.
This page contains relevant content from U.S. government agencies and other sources that can help Tribal Nations and other communities understand how climate variability and / or global climate change is impacting and / or may impact their Peoples, Lands, and Resources and to assist in building climate resilience strategies.
«Everyone in the judicial community understands perfectly that this is a rigged case, a fixed trial,» she later said.
Her exclusive reporting helped those in the Jacksonville community understand what the families of the most recent officers killed were experiencing.
The school community understands SEL and how to develop SEL in classrooms and school - wide.
Home visiting programs implementing an evidence - based model in tribal communities understand the commitment to operate with fidelity while delivering a service that respects and honors the cultures of the families they serve.
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