Sentences with phrase «companies produce less»

Oil companies produce less in the spring to make gas prices increase.
Small energy companies produce less and have fewer exploration fields, so when they have a major strike, their price skyrockets.
Inline Filling Systems specializes in machines for companies producing up to 200 CPM as well as startup companies producing less than 1000 containers per day.
After starting with over 8 million documents, through culling, predictive coding, analytics and privilege review, the healthcare companies produced less than 700,000 documents in total.

Not exact matches

The National Venture Capital Association estimates that only 20 percent (or less) of venture - backed companies produce a significant return, 40 percent achieve moderate success and the rest fail.
Fulcrum's Macias told the New York Times that the company will be able to produce its biofuel for «a lot less than» $ 1 a gallon.
«For computer game companies, 64 % of their costs are producing 3 - D graphics, and less than 10 % of games break even.
Chipotle Mexican Grill will soon have stricter guidelines for its suppliers that will mean the chain will be using local produce less often, a move the company is making in the aftermath of an E. coli outbreak that sickened dozens of customers in six states.
Other companies have tried and failed to produce less intrusive forms of solar energy.
Yes, the rise of China and Mexico has cost America jobs as multinational companies discovered they could produce goods in those countries for less than they could in the U.S..
Company B's leader shares that impulse, but has also introduced the measurable goal of producing a solar panel that retails for less than $ 500 by the second quarter of 2018.
If what you say and write produces anything less than that, you are not going to have a great company.
Binns said there was strong interest in the new aircraft, which are far quieter and produce far less carbon dioxide than fixed - wing aircraft, but he declined to predict when the companies would be able to announce a launch customer.
The facts are not right here, energy is cheap that means the cost of manufacturing and transporting of goods is low, food and consumers staples already more affordable, so what if a few American oil companies going out of business.the cost of producing oil in middle east is less than $ 10 / bl and we were paying more than $ 140 / bl for it, with that huge profit margin the big oil companies and oil producing nations became richer and the rest of us left behind, with the oil price this low the oil giants don't want to reduce the price at pump even a penny, because they are so greedy.worst case scenario is some CEOs bonuses might drop from $ 20 million to $ 15 millions I am sure they will terms of the stock market it always bounces back, after all it's just a casino like game.
Trade - exposed companies compete internationally, potentially against firms producing the same commodities in places with less strict environmental regulations.
People who do not deeply care about the mission of the company are significantly less likely to produce the desired financial returns because they are more likely to quit when they inevitably face challenges and are not motivated to work as hard.
New U.S. oil drilling has produced loads of crude oil, allowing companies to purchase it domestically for much less than it was selling for overseas.
More specifically, the brewer must produce no more than 6 million barrels of beer annually, less than one - quarter of the business can be owned or controlled by a company that's not a craft brewer, and the products must be made with traditional ingredients such as malted barley.
For example, government regulations can be used to push the automotive companies to produce vehicles that pollute far less.
Although Devanco foods will produce more in less time, Bartzis says the company will hire more people to get to its goal of $ 100 million in annual revenue in the next three to five years.
The company's eco-friendly production strategy has minimized its environmental footprint by decreasing waste by 40 percent, using 30 percent less energy and producing 20 percent fewer emissions.
Like fellow Bay area start - up Geltor, Perfect Day is one of a new breed of companies in the «cellular agriculture» business — using genetically engineered yeasts that have been «programmed» to produce proteins or other ingredients found in plants or animals - on an industrial scale, without raising animals, and with less impact on the environment.
The company started in 2015 with the goal of reducing food waste by encouraging consumers to buy the less - than - perfect produce that would typically be discarded.
Namely, the company is working to use less energy and produce less waste.
Cargill, one of the largest global agricultural companies, has joined Bill Gates and other business giants to invest in a nascent technology to make meat from self - producing animal cells amid rising consumer demand for protein that's less reliant on feed, land and water.
A California company called Hampton Creek, which produces Just Mayo, has attracted funding from no less than Bill Gates and Peter Thiel.
In contrast, companies producing rigid plastic containers are less vulnerable because they generallyoperate under contractual arrangements with most customers.
Additionally, the company is steadfast in producing less waste material through an expert manufacturing process.
When a consumer sees our logo, they know we not only certified that the company's processes are safe, but that we also certified that the product produced is 10ppm or less gluten.»
The accreditation differentiates GIG from certification organizations that only focus on a company's management and processes, and allows the consumer to know that GIG also certifies that the product was produced at 10ppm or less gluten.
Investment in infrastructure that will reduce our impact on the environment while improving the efficiency of our operations helps our company produce more for less impact on the environment and communities.
Some of the most innovative baby swings on sale in the United States are produced by companies such as Graco and Fisher Price, but that's not to say that less - known brands don't produce safe, good quality swings also.
This brand name, which is owned by the larger Close Parent company, produces unique baby carriers that are worn more or less like a t - shirt that can be used to safely carry your baby for hands - free babywearing.
If the people learn, for example, that representative X is often meeting with the director of company producing solar panels, they will be less likely to accept «renewable - resources - policy».
The company also reports that its dyeing method is less polluting and requires less energy to produce than other flooring options, and that all of its carpets have been tested and meet indoor air quality standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The method is much less cumbersome than dealing with chicken eggs, and because the vaccine is so easy to produce, the company intends to use 135 micrograms of hemagglutinin in each dose of vaccine — 3 times higher than current flu vaccines — in hopes of getting better protection.
(The Brewers Association, the leading trade group, defines a craft brewer as producing 6 million barrels or less, less than 25 percent owned by a larger alcohol beverage company and traditional in its methods.)
And it's much less expensive for their companies to produce products.
Companies that produce solar - thermal chillers say that they use 30 — 90 % less electricity than the conventional air conditioners that operate in most buildings, depending on the type and size of the installation.
Companies like LeanPath, a scale - like technology that measures and tracks scraps and is helping IKEA cut down on its food waste by 50 percent by 2020, and consulting services like Foodprint Group, which is currently strategizing how food mecca Eataly can produce less waste while remaining cost efficient, are getting the word out that less food wasted means less money wasted, too.
It is likely that companies that produce and sell Bentonite Clay products could claim this exemption as well, since the lead is already bonded, and it contains much less than the safe threshold according to Prop 65.
The Director of Quality Assurance and Food Safety for Lesaffre — apparently the company that produces the yeast for Red Star — said that they have the yeast tested by a company called Eurofins in France and Des Moines, Iowa, and that 2016 results from the Iowa lab are less than the detection limit of the equipment, 0.02 ppm (although they did not provide a copy of the lab results).
In Fiction Factory's brand - new interview feature THE WOMAN IS DANGEROUS, filmmaker Vanessa Wanger Hope talks passionately about her grandparents — Hollywood star Joan Bennett and producer Walter Wanger — and the pair's collaboration with director Fritz Lang on no less than four films: MAN HUNT (1941), THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW (1944), SCARLET STREET (1945) and SECRET BEYOND THE DOOR (1947), the latter two produced by Diana Productions, a company founded and run by the star / producer / director trio.
Chrysler wanted to prove two things with the Viper: First, that an American car company could conceive a car and get it into production in less than three years; and second, that America could produce a car without a hard top or side windows that still would appeal to buyers.
While it's not unusual for publishers to produce licensed novels and comics about a popular game, it is less common for the game company to publish the book themselves.
It takes about seven gallons to produce the average printed book, while e-publishing companies can create a digital book with less than two cups of water.
I won't say that all Lulu covers are ugly — they have some good designers working for them and can produce good covers; however as a big company, is taking a cut and paying the designers less (so you're paying extra for the middleman).
Self - publishing companies may produce books for less than $ 5, but how much does all this production cost readers?
Answering these calls may produce an opportunity to settle these debts for less than the full amount though so speaking with the debt collection company might be worth pursuing.
Fair Isaac Corporation, the company that produces the FICO score, announced its FICO 9 model, which ignores bills in collection that have already been paid and puts less weight on medical bills in collection.
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