Sentences with phrase «companions longer and happier lives»

With many advances over the past 10 years, we are able to give our beloved companions longer and happier lives in spite of the effects of CDS

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Our canine companions can live long with happy lives with just a good diet, plenty of exercises, and some tender loving care from their masters.
We are here to help people create and maintain a meaningful relationship with their domestic companion rabbits and to help keep their rabbits happy and healthy for a long life and mutual enjoyment.
With the proper knowledge that your veterinarian can provide through annual health exams and through education in safe and proper handling, diet, and husbandry, your exotic companion can live a longer, healthier, and happier life.
Our mission first and foremost is to produce healthy, happy, beautiful, and long - lived, family raised, companion pets!
You should want your companion to stay in prime condition and to live a long and happy life.
Support a clean, healthy mouth and a longer, happier life by investing in your companion's oral health.
Our goal is to provide you with the finest veterinary care possible so that you and your beloved companion can enjoy a long, healthy and happy life together.
One of Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando's (PAGO) major goals is to help senior companion animals live long, healthy and happy lives with their human families.
I see results, so I know firsthand, that through positive dog training methods, people and their loving canine companions can enjoy long, happy, lives together!»
We believe excellent veterinary care, in conjunction with thorough communication and education, allows our companions to live longer, healthier and happier lives.
Since 1998, cat owners in Chicago and its surrounding communities have come to rely on our skilled veterinarians and knowledgeable, compassionate staff to help their cherished companions live long, happy and healthy lives.
Pet spay and neuter helps your animal companion live longer, happier and healthier, because of the numerous medical and behavioral benefits.
At Animal Care Clinic we want to be your «partner» in raising a happy, healthy, secure and well mannered life long companion.
The science doesn't lie: Less stressed pets get adopted faster, are better companions, and live longer, healthier, happier lives!
Dr. McCaughan gains great personal satisfaction from helping our companions live longer and often happier lives.
Establishing a cooperative relationship between you and our veterinary health care team will go a long way toward a happy, healthy life for your animal companion.
Your animal companion deserves to lead a happy and long life.
All animal companions need to undergo deworming to ensure a happy, healthy and long life.
Below are my top tips to follow to make sure your canine companion gets all the nutrients they need to live a long and happy life:
As long as you're prepared for a constant companion, you and your pup will have a long and happy life together.
Good communication between you and your pet's doctor ensures your beloved companion is receiving the care and attention it needs to live a long, happy life.
The first 30 years of Dr. Harvey's story has been one of discovery, revolution, commitment and, of course, joy at helping so many wonderful guardians give their beloved companion animal a better, healthier, happier, longer and more fulfilling life.
When you choose Dr. Harvey's you and your companion animal benefit from 30 + years of research and experience that has made countless pets live long and happy lives eating all natural, whole foods.
Vaccinations are extremely important for your pet's health, and at Companion Care Veterinary Hospital in Rancho Bernardo, we are committed to ensuring that every pet gets the preventative care they need for a long and happy life.
Sarah is especially interested in helping dogs from shelters and rescues become happy, healthy, life - long companions.
With proper, species specific nutrition, a toxic chemical free lifestyle and naturally sourced (nothing synthetic) species specific ingredients, our canine companions can lead a healthier happier, longer life.
Your pet can enjoy a longer life and better health, and you get peace of mind knowing your animal companion is safer and happier.
Not only will you have a constant companion who is always happy to see you when you adopt a dog, you may also experience decreased stress levels, lower blood pressure and a longer lifespan than people who don't share their lives with a pup.
We encourage our breeders to do all feasible testing of their breeding stock to promote a healthy future for the breed and to provide happy, long - living companions for all those who choose to share their lives with this wonderful little dog.
We're convinced that right food will not only nourishes our canine companion's bodies but also their soul and helps them to live a longer, happier and healthier life.
Let us work with you to provide your animal companion with all of the preventative care and necessary medical treatment he or she needs to enjoy a long, happy and healthy life.
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