Sentences with phrase «companionship of a pet»

Medical problems that arise with older adults, such as physical illness and emotional issues, have the potential to be mitigated by companionship of pets because it reduces social isolation and enhances physical activity.
Many community members remember Sandy for bringing the happiness and companionship of a pet into their lives.
Annie Harper is a third - grade teacher who finds solace in the companionship of a pet chicken when her boyfriend ships out for a 392 - day military deployment.
Animal Resource Center, Inc. was formed to take a more pro-active role in helping the public understand their long - term responsibility when adopting a pet, to be a resource for alternate solutions for being able to enjoy the companionship of a pet without the long - term responsibility and to be a resource for help in taking care of their pet during difficult times.
Duvall, Washington veterinarian, Dr. Kevin Sievers, comments on the importance of the pets» needs: «Humans benefit greatly from the companionship of a pet.
Grants foster Banfield's goal of helping hospice patients «complete their end - of - life journey with the comfort and companionship of their pet, without worrying about their pet's current or future needs.»
According to the PRAAT website, «animal assisted therapy incorporates programs that provide the joy and companionship of pets and animals to children in libraries, to those who are ill, mentally or physically handicapped, or otherwise disadvantaged.»
The companionship of a pet is rewarding both emotionally and physically.
Are you aware of any support groups that can help parents of autistic children assimilate the companionship of a pet or service animal into the family fold?
A hamster is a great pet for someone who wants to have the companionship of a pet, but doesn't have a lot of time to spend caring for it.
We want to make sure that you enjoy the companionship of your pet for as long as possible.
The joy found in the companionship of a pet is a blessing not given to everyone.
Not only are older adults given the chance to have the companionship of a pet, but a loving home is provided to an older Shelter animal.
Corrie had been making due by petting her neighbour's cat every day, but after watching how gentle she was and how much she enjoyed the companionship of a pet, Alexandra knew that she had to get her daughter a cat to call her own.
The companionship of pets can help manage loneliness and depression.
To help low - income pet owners continue to enjoy the companionship of their pets as long as humanely possible by subsidizing the cost of non-elective (necessary) veterinary medical care for those pets.
It has been proven in countless studies that seniors thrive from the companionship of a pet.
Like those fortunate to have jobs, homeless people enjoy the companionship of a pet.
Studies have shown that returning veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome are greatly helped by the companionship of pets.
The love and companionship of a pet is irreplaceable and not easily forgotten.
The companionship of a pet can improve both health and quality of life for people, and the quiet home of a senior is often a perfect match for a gentle, calm senior pet.
This program not only gives an older adult the chance to have the companionship of a pet, but also provides a loving home to an older Shelter animal.
We value the companionship of our pets and make every effort to ensure our products are fun, safe and enjoyable.
Hospice SLO County's Pet Peace of Mind program allows clients to complete their end - of - life journey with the comfort and companionship of their pet, without worrying about their pet's current or future needs.
If you have a cat, you probably value the companionship of your pet.
Have you chosen the companionship of a pet for the rest of your life?
The companionship of a pet can also ease loneliness, and some pets are a great stimulus for healthy exercise, which can substantially boost mood.
Date: Monday, January 23, 2017 22:00 GMT · BRUSSELS, Jan. 24, 2017 / PRNewswire - AsiaNet / — New study finds that children value the companionship of their pet
BRUSSELS, Jan. 24, 2017 / PRNewswire - AsiaNet / — New study finds that children value the companionship of their pet even more than their sibling Children get more
New study finds that children value the companionship of their pet even more than their sibling Children get more satisfaction from relationships with their pets
«We see strong activity from aging boomers who enjoy the companionship of pets and a large group of Millennials who view cats as lower - maintenance pets than dogs,» says Diskin.
The companionship of pets can provide emotional and physical benefits.»
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