Sentences with phrase «company against financial loss»

Protect your company against financial losses and risks with business insurance.
Protect your company against financial losses and risks with business insurance.

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To find out, researchers from the University of London zoomed in for a three - year look at the assumedly cutthroat global reinsurance industry — a $ 260 - billion dollar financial market that insures insurance companies against large - scale losses.
Insurance and financial companies are permitted to treat the buildup of liquid reserves as an «expense» against hypothetical losses.
Motorcycle insurance is meant to protect you against large financial losses, meaning the top insurance companies will offer a solid customer experience through what is often a difficult time and have the financial means to pay claims.
SIPC protects investors against losses that stem from the financial failure of a brokerage company.
The rise in alternative energy companies and sources is also expected to generate incentives for insurance carriers to come up with creative new products to insure against financial loss in this sector, which should also benefit more traditional energy providers.
To do this, victims possess the right to seek financial compensation for their losses and their suffering against an at - fault driver or insurance company and they may receive monetary payment to cover expenses like medical bills.
While the Supreme Court of B.C. dismissed a claim made by the company against the Behn family, it sided with the forestry company's claim that the province owed it a duty of care and should have warned it of the Behns» intention to block access to the road and therefore be held liable for its financial loss during the period of the blockade.
While health, life, and disability insurance provides a financial safety net against the unexpected financial loss associated with illness, disability, or death, the goal of an insurance company is to maintain profitability for it's shareholders.
Marine Insurance is a god - save for transporters and shipping companies as it provides protection against many kinds of financial loss, property damage.
Under the terms and conditions of your policy, the travel insurance company agrees to offset those financial losses if the event you're insured against actually happens.
Some insurance companies offer insurance for forex trading against full financial losses.
If you are like many new business owners, you may believe that because your company is an LLC or a corporation, you automatically have protection against financial loss.
Auto insurance is a contract between you and the insurance company that protects you against financial loss in the event of an accident or theft.
It is purely a payment to the insurance company for temporary financial protection against loss of life.
Some new business owners believe setting up their company as an LLC or a corporation automatically protects them against financial losses.
Do not be misled into believing that your business is automatically protected against liability - related financial losses because your company is set up as an LLC or a corporation.
In an insurance company's eyes, the more of a risk that you pose to them, the higher rates they will charge you in order to insulate themselves against any future financial loss you may cost them.
Do not be fooled into believing that because your company is set up as a corporation or an LLC that it is protected against liability - related financial losses.
A liability lawsuit filed against your company can present unsurmountable financial losses — even if the courts ultimately rule in your favor.
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