Sentences with phrase «company concerned»

Insurance companies concerned about insurance fraud can contest any information reported on your application for up to two years after the application has been approved and the policy issued.
Insurance companies concerned about insurance fraud can contest any information reported on your application for up to two years after the application has been approved and the policy issued.
One startup is taking that to heart with a simple intervention other companies concerned about the toll loneliness is taking on employees could easily learn from.
* Follow up with insurance companies concerning submitted bills.
Companies concerned about possible internal wrongdoing may reduce exposure to loss, liability or civil and criminal penalties by proactively investigating those circumstances.
While Apple recently introduced the HomePod and iOS 11, former employees who worked on Siri told the Wall Street Journal the virtual assistant is lagging behind its competitors because of company concerns about user privacy.
Chamber President Tom Donohue earlier this week hailed the Exxon Mobil decision, calling it «good news for companies concerned about reining in excessive punitive damages.»
And there are many articles about the impact of the Snowden Effect on companies concerned over PRISM, which also (but not exclusively) means impact on data centres.
Microsoft's «10 Tips for Dealing With Game Cyberbullies and Griefers» states: «Although they are only a small percentage of the video - gaming community, griefers have some gaming companies concerned about losing subscribers.
Her work in creating a number of successful initiatives to promote best practice at companies concerning LGBT rights has been shared and replicated across the world across corporations and sponsors 41 diversity - network groups across 30 countries.
No lukewarm screed from Sandberg addressing a tertiary and much safer company concern.
Mirick O'Connell's Securities and Venture Capital Group regularly advises private and public companies concerning Securities and Exchange Commission rules and regulations.
Passengers are being «held to ransom» by train companies concerned only with securing the maximum profits from their business, MPs warn today.
Led internal investigation on behalf of one of nation's largest financial services companies concerning allegations of trade secret misappropriation and breaches of employee confidentiality agreements.
Attorney General Martha Coakley's Office has entered into settlements with nineteen auto insurance companies concerning allegations that the insurance companies overcharged consumers by using inflated motorcycle values to calculate insurance premiums.
(2015) Advising in relation to a claim by a senior manager at a UK company concerning an unfair dismissal / PIDA claim by him, specifically as to whether the disclosures were made in the public interest.
Crafted more polished reports by the Office of Investigations concerning wrongdoing within the company
• Demonstrated excellent client support while keeping open communications between the client and company concerning project deliverables.
Advised a New York Stock Exchange - traded company concerning corporate governance issues arising from litigation involving one of its directors.
It largely backs companies concerned with positive social impact, which Saunders, and research, contest that women value in companies they invest in.
Buffalo, NY - At the Erie County Legislature's regular session, held on Thursday, March 3, 2016 in «Old County Hall» in Downtown Buffalo, the Erie County Legislature passed a resolution authorizing the County to enter into a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Amendment with Turner Construction Company concerning its construction management services contract for the STEM building project at the ECC North Campus.
we are one of the only companies concerned enough about your health to avoid all processed ingredients.
In Germany, a local ski company concerned by the rapid shrinkage of Zugspitze glacier resorted to covering the ice with a 9,000 - square - meter reflective blanket.
Advised financial services company concerning complex employment and executive severance agreements, including plans to hire employees and groups of employees from competing firms
Lead counsel for defendant waste management and recycling company concerning validity of restrictive covenant in deed (plaintiff dismissed lawsuit)
Dattu says the talks could have implications for different clients, like Canadian companies concerned about potential supply chain issues.
Confidential Shareholder Dispute Advising high value individuals in relation to Jersey companies concerning beneficial interests in the shares of the company.
Negotiated a favorable settlement on behalf of a publicly traded software company concerning a multimillion dollar lawsuit involving allegations of misappropriation of trade secrets
Represented instrumentalities of the government of El Salvador in Paris - based ICC arbitration against major European energy company concerning ownership and corporate control rights in geothermal energy production company
Aaron has also given presentations to insurance companies concerning developments in legal malpractice law.
Lead counsel in an ICC arbitration in Paris, conducted in French, brought by two major oil companies concerning the interpretation of the State's standard form of production - sharing contract.
Representing high net worth individual and trust company concerning alleged mismanagement of the refurbishment of a superyacht
Acted in a # 4m claim against business consultants and a FTSE100 utility company concerning the alleged breach of restrictive covenants and inducing breach of contract
The debate around the CLOUD Act also taps into tech company concerns that foreign nations may move to pass laws in favor of data localization, or the process of storing users» personal data within the borders of the country of which they are a citizen.
For work experience and educational qualifications, the universities and companies concerned verify details and attest the claim with the protocol on the blockchain.
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