Sentences with phrase «company practices»

It will be some time before anyone knows the effect of these card company practices on small businesses.
These employees are responsible for coordinating waiting staff, ensuring compliance with company practices, creating and maintaining menus, managing drinks costs, controlling inventory, and overseeing guest interactions.
It provides a great opportunity to show the reality of company practices and their impact — and the challenges that campaigners and the media face in exposing this.
Insurance companies practice dividing cars into a series of categories, and the higher the category your car is in, the higher your premium will be.
But, do companies practice such methods to make money.
However, it is a good company practice to treat it all as proprietary and a trade secret unless there is a definitive reason that it will not qualify.
Seek opportunities to transform company practices into fresh, cost - effective solutions leading to more efficient operations.
We track company practice as well as company policy, through monitoring news and business media, as well as campaign group sources from around the world.
Our success in handling bus accident cases is due, in part, to our extensive investigative resources and to our understanding of bus company practices, policies and procedures.
As a means to prevent problems, clients often ask us to review new company practices and procedures and draft and implement policies to protect them against exposure to class litigation.
Many companies practiced cost - cutting procedures so some of the jobs may stay here.
When coaches are in control, leaders receive inconsistent training that doesn't align with company practices and values, and they can't reinforce the mission to employees.
He worked closely with Toronto partner Geoff Taber to create the emerging companies practice group in the late 2000s with a view to getting ahead of the next startup wave following the global financial crisis.
The new rules are a «nice to have,» according to Chad Bayne, a partner and co-chairman of the emerging companies practice group at Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP.
We also describe how pharmaceutical companies practice genomics and outline the experiences of two professionals in the pharmacogenomics field.
«After years of enthusiasm for emerging markets, investor sentiment is increasing favorably towards the U.S. in an environment where venture capitalists remain cautious about the global economy and pessimistic about government policies around investing,» says James Atwell, national managing partner of the Emerging Growth Company Practice, in a statement.
I do not buy certain brands because company practices (ie Kraft).
Exposing company practices is already prompting changes.
These employee contracts do not need to contain clauses in order to be legally binding, especially when the requirement is deemed as patently obvious, is fundamental to the individual being able to perform the duties of the role, or if it is part of a well - established company practice.
Meticulous internal auditor with understanding of the internal workings of the organization and provides valuable solutions to meeting organizational goals and promoting optimum company practices.
The loudest complaints about the new wave of credit card company practices centered on the arbitrary raising of interest for no apparent reason.
I utilise Revit on real projects on a daily basis, and actively stage work forums on improving company practices and Revit knowledge.
And it's not because women aren't willing (and able) to advance: «There is compelling evidence that women are disadvantaged by company practices and culture,» the study says.
There is no question we could do a better job with that in terms of just applying practical, private company practices to that population and I think we'd save a lot there,» Wichmann said.
Increasingly, customers will demand that business act in their and society's best interests and will factor company practices into their brand choices.
The Committee retains an independent compensation consultant to provide relevant data concerning the amount and types of compensation that we provide to our executives, as well as how these compare to peer company practices.
We look forward to being a part of future events as the chapter grows in South Florida,» said David Bates, Shareholder and Chair of Technology and Entrepreneurial Companies Practice Group of Gunster.
Companies are doing more with post-consumer recycled content, plant - based materials and even sustainable company practices, and that is usually because consumers are demanding for more.
Southern Tier Brewing Company practices a firm commitment to the privacy and security of any personal information you may give us.
Researchers say the higher use of broad - spectrum antibiotics by the telemedicine doctors may be a result of direct - to - consumer companies practicing conservatively, based upon limited diagnostic information about their patients.
Since January 2010, the 10 banks reviewed have provided upwards of $ 2.5 billion in loans and bonds to companies practicing MTR.
In devising their experiment, the researchers took advantage of ambulance company practices that essentially provided a randomized group of patients to study, making it possible to compare outcomes at different hospitals.
Accounting Thesis Help Introduction Accounting describes a set of company practices developed to keep mindful track of accounts, funds, and deals....
The website partners with many top companies practicing in Colorado Springs to provide insurance quotes to those using the site.
It's no surprise that some pet owners and veterinarians alike are concerned about pet insurance companies getting in the way of good medicine or suggested treatment options; after all, insurance companies practicing medicine is exactly what's happened to human healthcare.
The challenge of reaching what can seem like a daunting number of small chains and mom - and - pop shops is forcing the company to ramp up its marketing skills — not an ingrained company practice yet, he points out.
WFPA member companies practice responsible forest management by using science - based research to protect habitat by understanding how their forest practices impact the environment.
A number of unsafe trucking company practices could lead to your truck accident in South Carolina.
An Uber spokesperson told The Verge that asking public agencies to sign NDAs is not a standard company practice.
Introducing seminars for staff, as a way to educate them on better practices that will benefit the company
Also during mentioning the education highlighting the abbreviations of degree are generally avoided as per Dubai company practice.
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