Sentences with phrase «comparable one»

But once you acquire and make the necessary improvements, the property value will increase both in terms of comparable sales in the area as well as the income it generates.
Sure, premiums for other types of insurance are sometimes costly, but renters insurance isn't comparable in cost to, say, homeowners insurance.
As such, ad dollars will flow into ad products with the overall best return until market forces bring those returns to levels comparable with other ad products.
The agent will compile a report with comparable sales of similar properties in the same neighborhood so banks know exactly what is the fair market value of the home.
You can find cap rates for comparable properties from just about any commercial real estate broker in the area.
Three very different objects, not comparable at all, show the wide range of exciting new ideas produced this year.
Your real estate agent will be happy to provide a comparative market analysis, an informal estimate of value based on comparable sales in the neighborhood.
Buyers should use sales prices of comparable properties in the neighborhood to submit their best offer the first time around.
Many of the artists on these sites offer to create custom covers similar to the ones they list for comparable prices.
In each experiment, the three groups began with comparable levels of gratitude.
In addition, we don't price any of our homes more than 5 % above other comparable homes on the market.
This would explain why our 4th graders are doing about as well as comparable students in other countries, but by the time students reach high school, they have fallen way behind.
The catch is, these days all online banks are offering comparable rates, which is higher than most top tier brick and mortar banks we named in above paragraph.
What will you do to make sure that insurance companies are offering comparable products to consumers in a way that allows consumers to know for sure what they're buying?
If I don't find comparable sales in the neighborhood then I go out about 1/2 mile from the house.
Personally, I find swap rates more comparable across countries than sovereign obligations.
Due to the unique features of luxury home the search for comparable home sales may have to extend to other areas who also have the same type of build and size luxury home.
I think 1998 is the most comparable period to 2007.
For states with comparable data for the 2006 - 07 school year, the number of such schools increased by 28 percent.
... (fat provides) more than two times the energy supplied by comparable amounts of protein or carbohydrates.
None of them ride or handle as well as cars of comparable size.
If they don't, you're missing out on a benefit that most comparable companies offer.
That can be handy, as a permanent life insurance policy tends to cost more than comparable term life policies.
If comparable store sales remain constant, this will add another 3 % to shareholder return per year.
A lot of those people have significant mortgages, and lines of credit that are very comparable with the country as a whole at about $ 22,000.
The machine differs from comparable products in that it features a front - to - back airflow system as opposed to flowing air from side to side.
And while it comes with a premium price over base models, it can still be had for thousands less than a rival with a V6 engine that makes comparable power.
Are people with comparable experience and qualifications making more money in similar companies?
If the bottom line is your top priority, you'll find roughly comparable and economical substitutes for much less.
Now a new design, based on clever crystal geometry, could soon deliver comparable performance with less environmental impact.
Which part of «homebirth increases the risk of death by 3 - 10 times over comparable risk hospital birth are you having trouble understanding»?
Once you figure out which style of vehicle you want, look carefully at comparable vehicles from other automakers.
Now he gets comparable results using about 4,000 records.
Ginger miso dressings are one of my favorite commercially prepared dressings, but I have never tried to make something comparable at home.
Having matched front and rear cameras means you're getting comparable quality on both sides, rather than one that's obviously lacking against the other.
Car was priced $ 10,000 over comparable model and they didn't want to even discuss that.
A Medical Sales Representative cover letter example highlighting comparable skills and qualifications is displayed just below.
Few countries have comparable programs providing all - around support for mothers and babies during a child's first 1000 days.
It is actually the most important source of energy for dogs, providing more than two times the energy supplied by comparable amounts of protein or carbohydrates.
Just beneath is provided a cover letter sample for Help Desk Technician highlighting comparable job assets and experience.
Please find a sample cover letter for an ultrasound tech below highlighting comparable skills and experience.
The cost of veterinary care is a huge bargain compared to what comparable services cost in human medicine.
Most professionals do a formal or an informal assessment of salary levels for comparable positions when they are considering several job offers.
The interest rates seem pretty comparable with other cards on the market, so let's see how it measures up when it comes to the fees.
If more for sale by owners priced their homes based on comparable market data there would be a higher success rate.
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