Sentences with phrase «compare number of servings»

After performing the 2 × 2 ANOVAs, one - way ANOVAs were used to compare number of servings of fish (< 2 servings / week vs. ≥ 2 servings / week) and processed food (< 1 serving / day vs. ≥ 1 servings / day) on co-occurring difficulty outcomes in childhood and early adolescence.

Not exact matches

The number of active Corporate VCs — which serve as the investment arms of giant firms and include Intel Capital, Bloomberg Beta and GE Ventures — has grown by 15.5 percent year - over-year between 2011 and 2015, compared to a growth rate of 12.8 percent overall for VCs of any type in the same period, according to data from CB Insights.
Engagement is the number of interactions someone's social media post compared to how large of an audience they are serving to.
Compared to Obama, he has donated 10,000's + (that is not an exatered number) hours to serving people of all walks of life, both poor and rich, young and old.
Concentrations in most products were relatively low, but when taking into account the large serving size suggested, the number of micrograms per day for a few of the products was high compared with most others tested.
Production sheets are used to compare the number of meals prepared and served to the number of uneaten meals.
She's been comparing French school lunches to a fare served at a school in New Jersey for a number of days.
Second, by comparing the number of faculty in the field to the number doing a postdoc — which besides being a training phase also serves as a holding pattern for scientists waiting and hoping for faculty jobs — we can get an idea of whether Ph.D. scientists have access to other career options they deem acceptable.
Wide price swings from state to state When comparing installed PV prices across a number of large state markets, LBNL found substantial heterogeneity in pricing, leading analysts to conclude that «low - price leaders» in top solar states can serve as a benchmark for other states with maturing markets.
The authors of this scientific report explain further that comparing aligned sequences relative to their respective genomes using BowTie version 0.12.7 served two purposes: (i) To obtain unaligned reads for further analysis; and (ii) to observe variation in the numbers of both aligned and unaligned reads across different runs, experiments and organisms.
When you start comparing the actual numbers, you will quickly see that one serving of LUNAR contains several times the amount of effective ingredients as our best competitors» products.
Although the calories in one serving of tenders seem like a modest number compared to other fast food entrees, this number can increase dramatically after adding dipping sauce, a side and a soda.
After adjustment for a large number of variables, the hazard ratio for participants consuming five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day compared with those consuming none was 0.73 for all participants, 0.53 for women, and 1.14 for men.
A growing number of dating sites serve Ireland, although the number is still comparatively small compared to countries like the USA and Britain.
I ask students to identify some characteristics of the cookies that the nutrition information can help us compare; they mention things such as the number of cookies per serving and the per - cookie weight, calories, fat content, and so on.
Nevertheless, when we conducted a survey asking long - serving teachers to rate their schools on a number of criteria in the spring of 1998 compared with the spring of 1995 (immediately before charter schools opened in Arizona), the results showed clear perceptions of improvement since the advent of charter competition, with the greatest gains in the districts with the most charter schools.
The study also found schools that serve many current and former English learner students tended to offer fewer advanced courses compared with schools that serve only a small number of English learner students — even when holding constant characteristics such as size and students» performance on state assessments.
These numbers are based on student test scores — U.S. News compared those test scores to state averages as a way of calculating how well a school serves its student body.
«If you look at the survey and number of teachers who didn't like the program, it's a very small number [around 400 teachers] compared to the 10,000 classrooms it's served in.
While this measure will not make it possible to compare progress across city initiatives in any meaningful way, it does provide a common indicator that can serve as a proxy for a number of factors that influence child wellbeing, including health, mental health, and family stability.
These schools serve far fewer numbers of bilingual students and children with disabilities when compared to Hartford schools only a few blocks away.
Louisiana, another state praised by charter - school advocates following the remaking of New Orleans schools after Hurricane Katrina, scored particularly well because of its high growth rate, the number of poor students its charter schools serve and academic growth compared with other public schools in the state.
Although Sharpe's Jumoke Academy has never served bi-lingual students and only takes a small percentage of special educations students compared to the number served in Hartford's public schools, Commissioner Pryor, the State Board of Education and the City of Hartford's Board of Education recently transferred Hartford's Milner elementary school, with all of its students and taxpayer funds, to Jumoke.
A widely cited paper on the history of the target compared it to a speed limit — it may not be a scientifically optimal number, but it serves as a useful focal point.
There are roughly fifty seats in the Supreme Court's gallery are available to the public, on a first - come, first - served basis, a small number compared to the 137,000 people who tuned into the audio live stream of the Ninth Circuit oral arguments.
Sam Glover: How does that compare to the number of clients you are able to actually serve in a traditional way?
We hold very strong credential of serving the maximum number of clients as compared to anyone in the Resume Writing industry.
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