Sentences with phrase «comparing gains made»

Our testing technology works much better when are comparing gains made by students of similar background and prior skill.
As explained above, we address the problem of self - selection by comparing the gains made by students the years they were in charter schools with the gains made by the same students the years they were in traditional public schools.
To test for this possibility, we compared the gains made by F schools with the performance of an even smaller subset of schools whose 2002 test scores were similar but had never received an F (which we termed low - performing non-F schools).

Not exact matches

To keep costs low, compare fees at various brokerages and make sure your predicted gain will be more than enough to cover the transactional costs — about $ 5 to $ 10 at discount brokerages.
While the stock market is up about 10 percent for the year — which is a nice gain for stocks in just eight months — the money people have made in stocks is puny compared with what's been made in bitcoin.
XRP is currently at a point where it has the potential to make one of the fastest gains against Bitcoin compared to other cryptocurrencies.
One thing to note is that there may be a long term capital gains tax on the profits you make from your zero coupon municipal bond depending on what price you bought it compared the the original issue discount price.
Breastfed babies do tend to gain weight slightly different compared to their formula - fed counterparts, so make sure that your doctor is using the WHO growth charts designed for breastfed babies if there is any concern about their weight gain.
Compared to the Taliban era of the 1990s, Afghanistan has made impressive gains in the sphere of human rights, especially women's rights.
Despite making some gains compared to the previous general election, former party leader Nick Clegg lost Sheffield Hallam to Jared O'Mara of the Labour Party, and Zac Goldsmith of the Conservatives regained Richmond Park from Sarah Olney with a very narrow majority of 45 votes.
(i.e. there governmental bond holdings, to make it possible to compare what they would lose by the government defaulting as compared to what they would gain by not being taxed to repay the debt over X years?
New York's easy ballot access: New York's election rules allow any «nationally known and recognized» presidential candidates to appear on the ballot, making it easy to gain a ballot line compared to some other states.
«Outside the areas with new ward boundaries, we made 91 losses and 68 gains compared to when these seats were last contested in 2012,» officials write.
By comparing our genetic make - up to the genomes of mice, chimps and a menagerie of other species (rats, chickens, dogs, pufferfish, the microscopic worm Caenorhabditis elegans, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and many bacteria), scientists have learned a great deal about how genes evolve over time, and gained insights into human diseases.
She found that students taught by the high - expectations group made significant gains in math compared with the control group.
This means that both species share similar mechanisms for DNA gain, making it easier to compare differences between associations with other types of genomic features.
This makes it possible to compare them to a wide variety of outgroup species and detect genomic features that associate with DNA gain and loss.
«Being able to compare measurements made using completely different techniques will provide researchers an improved understanding of how soil might gain or lose carbon as environmental conditions change,» said Bond - Lamberty.
To save you months or maybe years of experimenting until you find a routine that «kind of» works, we went through most of the available literature and compared different moves in terms of muscle stimulation and hypertrophy, ultimately designing this optimal list of exercises to help you get on the right track and start making solid gains.
Don't compare yourself with drug - enhanced athletes or bodybuilders with amazing genetics — these people can make exceptional gains by training more often and with a greater volume.
You'll also see varying speeds of lifting the weight among different bodybuilders, and even though it might be monotonous and tedious at times, increased time under tension will definitely help you make greater hypertrophy gains compared to being on a shorter time under tension.
Not only did women who consumed more whole grains consistently weigh less than those who ate less of these fiber - rich foods, but those consuming the most dietary fiber from whole grains were 49 % less likely to gain weight compared to those eating foods made from refined grains.
Also, Kombucha tea is relatively low in sugar, especially when compared to commercially - available sodas, energy drinks, juices or even many tea drinks that can contribute to weight gain, which makes it a delicious and healthier beverage alternative.
Make sure that you are more capable of doing this at present age as compared to your twenties because in this long time you have gained more experience to understand male thought processing and you are capable enough to read their minds.
With a diverse line - up from Love & Friendship and Cafe Society to Hillary's America and Swiss Army Man, Specialty films made small gains overall this summer compared to last year's hot - weather season, grossing more at the box office fewer titles.
Second - and third - grade students using the Seeds of Science / Roots of Reading units made significantly greater gains in understanding science concepts, knowledge of science vocabulary, and reading comprehension, as measured by tests developed by project researchers, compared to students in comparison conditions for both earth science and life science units.
To identify the policy's average impact, we compared the gains in developmental - scale scores made by students who first entered 3rd grade in 2002 and scored below the FCAT benchmark with gains made by students who first entered 3rd grade in 2001 and scored below the FCAT benchmark.
Thus we use a method that in effect compares the test - score gains of individual students in charter schools with the test - score gains made by the same students when they were in traditional public schools.
We first compare the average gains made by all students in charter schools with the gains made by students in traditional public schools, taking into account differences in gender, ethnicity, and the highest level of education completed by their parents.
The CREDO analysis also shows that Michigan's low - income students, who comprise the vast majority of charter students in Detroit, make modest achievement gains (less than a month of additional learning in math each year) compared to district schools, as do black and Hispanic students.
The English Learners who transferred from bilingual education to structured English immersion made gains of four points in reading compared with gains of only two points for the students who had been taught in English previously.
Yet when compared to gains made by students in other countries, progress within the United States is middling, not stellar (see Figure 1).
Such studies, which compare the annual gains made by students in charter schools with the gains made by the same student while attending a traditional public school, draw only on the experiences of students who were tested for at least two years in the regular public schools before attending a charter school.
Results indicated that those students in the small class made greater gains in reading achievement compared to those in the larger class.»
A third - party evaluation conducted by Douglas Ready at Teachers College found that students made annual academic gains equivalent to a half year of additional learning compared to national averages.
Learning activities that challenge students to compare and contrast their neighborhood with other places should help her students gain fresh insights about what makes their own community special.
It could well be that, as compared with earlier generations of students, the current cohort of blacks has made real gains relative to whites.
This paper examines student on Texas» high - stakes tests, in which students have made extraordinary gains, and compares them to the results of nationwide tests.
Compared to gains made by students in other countries, «progress within the United States is middling, not stellar,» notes Peterson, Harvard professor and PEPG director, with 24 countries trailing the U.S. rate of improvement and another 24 that appear to be improving at a faster rate.
Jolita Dudaité, a doctoral student at Lithuania's Kaunas University of Technology, tried to answer that question by comparing the math - achievement gains made by that...
We found that after middle school and high school teachers worked with ASMP mentors for just one year, their students from diverse backgrounds make statistically significant gains in math compared with students taught by «business - as - usual» teachers.
California's public charter schools are making greater student achievement gains compared to their non-charter counterparts.
When comparing two years of growth under each district, the gains made by the LEA are actually greater than the ASD by almost 2 %, 7.75 % compared to 5.84 %.
River View also made gains at each grade level from year to year (for example, comparing one 5th grade class to the next 5th grade class).
The data allows us to compare progress across states, see whether the country has made gains and argue about what it all means.
However, compared with district schools, charter schools made greater overall gains in math and science proficiency rates from the previous school year.
The city's schools chancellor, Joel I. Klein, said the «state tests need to get more rigorous, but that doesn't take away from the gains we have made» in improving city performance compared with the state as a whole.
Research suggests that D.C. charter schools have made strides in student learning compared with the city's traditional public schools, and the city's overall test gains can not be explained by demographic changes alone.
Such studies also shed light onto the brain - based differences of those children with dyslexia who benefit from reading instruction compared to those who fail to make gains (Davis et al., 2011; Odegard, et al., 2008).
They found that small group teaching was more effective than whole class instruction — that is, if one compares 30 minutes of small group teaching versus 30 minutes of whole class teaching, the kids in the small group tend to make larger learning gains.
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