Sentences with phrase «comparison classmates»

Self - ratings by siblings and comparison classmates on the RCP did not differ in regard to the Leadership - Popularity, Aggressive - Disruptive, or Sensitive - Isolated dimensions.
With 87 target siblings and 256 comparison classmates, statistical power was > 90 % across all classroom analyses to detect moderately sized effects (d =.5).
Peer relationships of bereaved siblings and comparison classmates after a child's death from cancer
In five classes, only two comparison children wereavailable, resulting in 256 comparison classmates (Table I).
Similarly, teachers rated siblings and comparison classmates equally on the Aggressive and Withdrawal subscales of the PEI, but rated siblings as more Likeable than comparison classmates.
The study in this article compared fall - to - spring changes on connectedness, attachment, and self - esteem between 46 teen mentors and 45 comparison classmates.

Not exact matches

Even though their bodies are doing the poses, their minds are directed toward outside stimulation, comparisons with their classmates, the approval of the teacher.
A few of my classmates in London would compare European museums to the MOMA in New York and I had no idea what the comparison was because I had never been.
Communication Comparisons 06/20/2001 [World History, Language Arts Grades 3 - 5, 6 - 8 Submitted by VaReane Heese] VaReane Heese, a teacher at Springfield (Nebraska) Elementary School submitted this week's lesson in which students use online and print resources to research different methods of communication, use graphic organizers to compare the methods, and share their findings with classmates.
Maybe it was a «before - and - after» comparison - contrast assignment, and he has sobered his classmates up with a description of holiday festivities at his home the year before and after a cousin was killed.
First, we made a straightforward comparison of the average test - score gains in classrooms run by TFA and non-TFA teachers, controlling for a variety of factors known to influence academic achievement, including students» backgrounds, the students» previous performance on the TAAS, characteristics of their schools, and characteristics of their classmates.
Epstein dismissed concerns that the change affect alumni donations, and that students won't care what their classmates are paying in comparison to their own tuition bill.
Behavioral comparisons of liked and disliked hyperactive children in play contexts and the behavioral accommodations by their classmates
Recently, Zimmermann et al. (2017) have considered as relevant the role played by social dimensions in children's academic self - concept development, assuming that social comparison relationships among classmates contributes to the development and adjustment of children's academic self - concept.
Siblings» self - perceptions of their social adequacy at school; social support from friends, classmates, and others at school; and relationship quality with friends are also similar to comparison peers.
Follow - up univariate comparisons (Table IV) indicated no significant differences between siblings and comparisons in amount of support from friends, classmates, or others in school.
Notably, the typically developing classmates also showed improved peer sociometric functioning in the MOSAIC condition relative to in the comparison condition, albeit with smaller effect sizes than did the children with ADHD [73].
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