Sentences with phrase «comparison to previous years»

The line catered to a woman's body and her curves in comparison to previous years.
In 2007, the classification system was revised; therefore, trend comparisons to previous years are not available.
Because many states administered these tests for the first time this past spring, true comparisons to the previous year's tests aren't possible.
Despite the overall fall, the rise in the number of secondary school appeals made by parents and heard by a panel has risen in comparison to the previous year.
Exact comparisons to previous years are difficult, partially because new regulations on independent expenditures have resulted both in increased spending and disclosure, but a review of recent years indicates that the donation patterns in 2014 were far from the norm.
In 2015, Colorado switched to the PARCC tests, so comparisons to previous years are no longer possible.
«The number of sales in December was down not only in comparison to the previous year's December sales but also when compared to December sales over the last decade or so,» said Godsoe.
«Sales were actually quite good for a December — better than average and better than the comparison to the previous year might suggest.
In comparison to previous years, increased recruitment of diadromous fish (which migrate between fresh and salt water) was recorded at the barrage fishways.
Today I thought of writing an evaluation of our squad so far this year, perhaps I may still, but I must have gotten around halfway through when I realised how different our signings have been recently in comparison to previous years.
Even the great crisis of 2009 didn't affect the amount of UK visitors of the UK dating sites; quite on the contrary the amount of the dating sites users has increased up 16 % in comparison to the previous year.
The general consensus is that this was one of the best Sundance's in a long time, with about a huge number of films acquiring distribution in comparison to previous years.
The number of people applying for teacher training has decreased by 6,510 in comparison to the previous year.
Principal Elise Matson and eighth grade teacher Cathy VanTreese spoke about what their classrooms look like now in comparison to previous years and how personalized learning has transformed their school.
This year's principal vacancies, however, pale in comparison to previous years — particularly under city schools CEO Andres Alonso, when the district had a turnover rate of more than 90 percent, and more than 40 principals were being appointed in one summer, 15 in the week before school started.
While fuel economy remains stellar in the 2018 Prius, you will discover that this year's model has enhanced acceleration capabilities in comparison to previous years.
I'm going to put together a full 2017 investment performance review, with more information on our monthly numbers, comparisons to previous years, and breakdown of our individual investments.
The percentage of total turnover generated by mobile bookings also showed significant growth in comparison to the previous year, with HRS reporting that one in five overnight stays is now booked via a smartphone or tablet.
World at War had a solid and expectedly glossy campaign, but suffered from the comparison to the previous year's classic Modern Warfare and its own memorable moments.
This is mainly due to a lower fraction of thin - ice in our model simulation in comparison to previous years.
This year's edition charts growth out to 2040 and offers some bullish expectations of renewable generation, and solar in particular, in comparison to previous years.
This is down in comparison to previous years but this is still one of the highest premium averages across the country.
In comparison to the previous years, novel technologies on bitcoin trading have made it easier for people to use and transact bitcoins.
Sales decline has been less severe in comparison to previous years and the trend is set to continue, says IDC.
However, in 2008, there was a significant decline in both the amount of capital raised and the number of funds reaching a final close in comparison to previous years, as only three industrial funds closed, raising an aggregate $ 700 million in commitments.
In the second quarter of the year, 100 out of 155 MSAs (metropolitan statistical areas) had higher median existing single - family home prices in comparison to the previous year, and 91 for the first quarter.
It looked as though we kept seeing big increases every month, but that was only in comparison to the previous year,» noted O'Neill.
«Sales were actually quite good for a December — better than average and better than the comparison to the previous year might suggest.
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