Sentences with phrase «compensate for the effects»

Other systems compensate for the effects of districting.
With DPR Voting, the equal sharing of the Parliamentary Party votes amongst the elected members (resulting in a decimal vote value for each MP) compensates for this effect.
A small cut in duty on beer - offset by higher taxation of alcopops -(among other measures) is unlikely to compensate for the effect of cheap booze sold by supermarkets.
To compensate for the effect, robot designers may need to consider adding controls that will help adults monitor the use of robots by children, said Waddell, who worked with S. Shyam Sundar, Distinguished Professor of Communications and co-director of the Media Effects Research Laboratory, and Eun Hwa Jung, a doctoral candidate in mass communications.
To compensate for these effects, the algorithm first automatically corrects for tilted faces, turned heads and inconsistent lighting, then applies the computed shape and appearance changes to the new child's face.
The effects of the healthy allele can compensate for the effects of the mutant allele.
(read chapter 13 of my book) Support your body with dietary Supplements designed specifically to help compensate for the effects of stress on your body and supply nutrients used up during stress.
Lifestyle changes and blood sugar monitoring, for example, can usually compensate for any effects on weight.
By adjusting the nominal interest rate to compensate for the effects of inflation, you are identifying the shift in purchasing power of a given level of capital constant over time.
It has been found that higher CO2 levels let plants grow better with with the same water (or alternatively, let them grow the same with less water — that is: more CO2 compensates for the effects of water stress...)
Basic physical science considerations, exploratory climate modeling, and the impacts of volcanic aerosols on climate all suggest that SWCE could partially compensate for some effects — particularly net global warming — of increased atmospheric CO2.
Using statistical methods, the scientists compensated for the effects of the AMO on average rainfall, and thereby calculated how much of the Sahara's growth could be explained by the dryness that the cycle's negative phase produces.
Although biogenic NMVOC emissions increase with increasing temperature, all three studies concur that climate - driven changes in vegetation types unfavourable to isoprene emissions (notably the recession of tropical forests) would partly compensate for the effect of warming in terms of ozone generation.
A fortuitous future cooling of this amount, due to the Sun, would not fully compensate for the effects of increases in greenhouse gases, which are projected to warm the Earth by 1 to 3 °.

Not exact matches

The addition of the one hundredth stock simply can't reduce the potential variance in portfolio performance sufficiently to compensate for the negative effect its inclusion has on overall portfolio expectations».
Its effects compensate for all the sorrows that inevitably come to mind, when people with firm views about the way things are and should be sit down together to reflect on the lamentable fact that the world is in other hands than their own.
«To compensate for the shortfall in supply, the industry has been importing juice for decades — with no adverse side effects ever recorded.
Suppliers also face some tough questioning amid evidence that they charge higher prices to smaller retailers to compensate for lower prices when dealing with supermarkets - known as «the waterbed» effect.
There remains a need for future research to particularly show the effects of sustained or longer - term exposures to food advertising and to test whether the observed increases in intake after acute exposures are not later compensated for and, therefore, could lead to weight gain over time (54).
Dermo - Cleansing soothes the skin & compensates for the drying effects of the bath.
The most likely result from such dieting is the so called «yo - yo effect» — deprived from the usual amount of calories for a period of time, the body quickly compensates for them afterwards.
Indeed, the benefits of breastfeeding may prove to be essential to compensate for and outweigh the risks of toxic effects from the environment.
This is because of the nutritious value of breast milk that can more than compensate for the ill effects of smoking, at least compared to formula and a smoking mom.
For example, heart disease rates are already low in Japan, so it would be difficult to compensate for the negative effects of alcohFor example, heart disease rates are already low in Japan, so it would be difficult to compensate for the negative effects of alcohfor the negative effects of alcohol.
In addition, Hu is investigating how turbine operators can compensate for weather effects like icing on turbine blades.
«While it is clear that college women who drink more are more likely than men to engage in bulimic - type behaviors, and with greater frequency, and to experience more alcohol - related problems as a result of these behaviors, there were no gender differences for engaging in drunkorexia to increase the effects of alcohol or engaging in bulimic - type behaviors to compensate for alcohol - related calories.
Crossmodal plasticity in the case of blindness is a vital brain mechanism for compensating for visual deprivation, but the mechanism can have also negative effects on visual restoration, because it might interfere, to a certain extend, with the optimal resettlement of the regained sensory inputs.
Indeed, the reduction in the emission of precursors to polluting particles (sulphur dioxide) would diminish the concealing effects of Chinese aerosols, and would speed up warming, unless this effect were to be compensated elsewhere, for instance by significantly reducing long - life greenhouse gas emissions and «black carbon.»
«A person doing heavy manual work may compensate for its detrimental effects by participating in brisk leisure - time physical activity,» says professor Taina Rantanen, the leader of the research group.
To compensate for the blurring effects of Earth's atmosphere and obtain a more accurate measurement, Gebhardt and colleagues utilized the adaptive optics capability of the 8.1 - meter Frederick C. Gillett Gemini Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
Rokers says showing the effects of teaching people to use cues to three - dimensional motion that they are otherwise ignoring may ultimately help refine treatment for vision disorders such as blind spots or amblyopia («lazy eye») in which the brain can be trained to compensate for perceptual limitations.
Furthermore, Läderach's research on the effects of climate change in Ghana and Ivory Coast predicts that the ideal cacao - growing areas will shift to higher altitudes to compensate for rising temperatures.
But in a polyploid organism such as wheat, mutations in individual genes often have no apparent effect, because additional copies of the mutated gene compensate for the loss.
Ghez has been able to enhance her research by using adaptive optics imaging technology that compensates for the blurring effects of the Earth's atmosphere by using a laser to probe the atmosphere, resulting in much sharper images.
«We've implemented electron lensing technology to compensate for these head - on beam - beam effects,» Fischer said.
If a person who has such a mutation is well, he or she may carry a mutation in a different gene that compensates for, or buffers, the harmful gene's effect.
«This paves the way for a whole new class of anti-inflammatory agents, inspired by quebecol, that could compensate for the low efficacy of certain treatments while reducing the risk of side effects
This design leads to the consequence that disease in one part of the brain will inevitably affect the function of the others and that many of the effects of the disease can be partly compensated for by the network.
The temperature rises somewhat, but on balance changes in the water cycle compensates for more greenhouse effect by CO2.
«The conclusions from this work, which are very simple in contrast to the study itself, show that bees, or at least honey bees, can compensate for adverse effects of pesticides in their environment.
When both factors were combined, the positive temperature effect compensated for the negative effect of acidification — regardless of how much food the animals received.
To compensate the effect of transgenes, we overexpressed two copies of UAS transgenes using the C7 Gal4 driver for A — D. (E) gbp1, gbp2 ex67 mutation was created using a P - element excision mutagenesis method.
b) The Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system must compensate for General Relativity effects or the positions it gives for locations would be significantly off.
To filter out those effects, LISA Pathfinder is testing a protective system of thrusters, designed to adjust the spacecraft in a way that compensates for such factors.
Although there is complex regulation across the CYP4F gene cluster, the opposing effects between the two SNPs in the CYP4F gene cluster appear to compensate for each other and their effect on warfarin dose requirement is unlikely to be clinically significant.
This means it covers the direct cost of low - carbon subsidies, energy efficiency and carbon taxes, as well as indirect costs due to strengthening grids, backing up intermittent renewables, compensating conventional generation for lost revenue through the capacity market and savings due to the merit - order effect, which pushes down wholesale electricity prices.
Outbred parents provide more care inbred offspring to compensate for the detrimental effects of poor genetic quality
Researchers found the desire to compensate for the energy lost during exercise hampered the effects of exercise on weight loss.
Often it means your body has been worn down by compensating for something like a shortened trapezius (an effect of craning forward at a computer for years).
To add to the confusion about how to evaluate a diet, I think that human physiology is able to compensate and maintain some kind of balance for an amazingly long time before the ill effects of a particular diet may manifest.
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