Sentences with phrase «competitive colleges»

Our mission has always been to prepare students to succeed in competitive colleges and empower them to use public policy to create a more just, free and equal world.
Surprisingly, the most competitive colleges cost the least for low - income students while providing the most instructional expenditure per student.
Those students applying to highly competitive colleges and universities will need to be enrolled in multiple advanced placement courses during their junior and senior years.
Importantly, evidence shows that low - income students typically under match themselves to colleges and are more likely to graduate if they attend a more competitive college.
When a school screens applicants for academic talent, it ends up with pupils who perform well on tests, earn high grades, and get into competitive colleges.
The most competitive colleges cost the least for low - income students while providing the most instructional expenditure per student.
One of our students who got into a very competitive college.
The most competitive colleges spend over $ 25,000 on instructional expenditure for each student yet the average low - income family pays less than $ 8,000 out of pocket for these schools.
Senior year for me will be interesting because I will be applying to different competitive colleges, receiving many opportunities for scholarship programs, and going on many more college visits.
Are your students getting the grades they need to graduate and be accepted into competitive colleges?
A prospective growth area is the use of the Beyond High School library to offer more testing preparation for students with post-secondary goals ranging from competitive colleges to vocational programs and the military.
Since then, it has earned a reputation for high academic standards, with 88 percent of its graduates entering competitive college preparatory and career magnet high schools, including Booker T. Washington, Edison, Rogers and private high schools.
Your high school student has enough to stress about in today's super competitive college admissions race without also having to worry about missing...
High School Prep is a rigorous 14 - month academic enrichment program that prepares students to enter competitive college preparatory high schools.
The Carolinas have gorgeous beaches that attract tourists from across the country, some of the most competitive college basketball fans in their league, legendary pork barbeque, and, perhaps less well - known across the country, a dominant and growing nuclear energy industry.
Clusters of like - minded people, of competitive college graduates from all over the country and the world, will continue to grow and prosper.
Alabama Adapted Athletics also sponsors competitive college sports in men's and women's wheelchair tennis, adapted rowing, and wheelchair track.
Noble is, therefore, well - aware that its students — most of whom are low - income students of color — increase their individual chances of graduating from more competitive colleges with higher graduation rates overall.
acquire specific content knowledge and skills, will be able to meet New York State Commencement Learning Standards and requirements for graduation, and will demonstrate academic readiness for competitive colleges / universities.
Most competitive colleges recommend at least two to three years of high school social studies, which generally includes history as well as courses in government or civics.
Eighty - eight percent of the students go on to attend competitive college preparatory and career magnet high schools.
Teach for America (TFA) selects and places graduates from the most competitive colleges as teachers in the lowest - performing schools in the country.
Chavez Schools offers a student focused learning environment, where teachers relentlessly pursue academic excellence in order to prepare students to succeed in competitive colleges.
High - achieving, low - income students are less likely to apply to or enroll in highly competitive colleges and less likely to complete college than their low achieving, high - income peers.
Competitive college admissions are one of the reasons regularly cited in Wimps for parental over involvement and the increasingly heavy academic pressures placed on children and teens.
In general, alternatively certified teachers have stronger SAT scores, come from more competitive colleges and are more likely to pass teacher certification exams on the first try.
The answer, suggest Garey and Valerie Ramey, economists at UCSD: they're spending more time with their kids, especially older kids, to help the kids get into competitive colleges.
Advocating for failure is a radical step for a head of school where the majority of the class goes on to Ivy League and other highly competitive colleges.
We talked about post-college choices that kids who have graduated competitive colleges have made.
Whereas Lily's academic bent surfaced early in her school days, Yuh - Nung's quicksilver intellect lay buried until he breezed through a competitive college entrance exam, placing among the top 10 of 30,000 high school students.
Many applicants who graduate from more - competitive colleges, earn higher GPAs, or hold degrees in specialized areas such as math or science are turned down in favor of less - qualified candidates who took the traditional route of majoring in education.
• Teachers who had a master's degree or graduated from a competitive college took less leave then those who didn't
For instance, even when schools are offered more attractive candidates with specialized majors in the quantitative fields or with higher GPAs from more competitive colleges, school administrators often opt for seemingly less - qualified applicants who took the traditional ed school route.
Teachers who had a master's degree or graduated from a competitive college took less time than those who didn't.
Unfortunately, they can not handle all the young people who seek entrance to competitive colleges and universities.
Solution: Since all they need do to get a diploma is go through the motions and rack up the course credits, no real reward follows from studying hard (save for the small fraction seeking entry to competitive colleges), and no unpleasantness results from taking it easy.
Today, more above - average students are cheating as pressure mounts to be accepted to competitive colleges.
Under the current system, affluent students will concentrate in expensive, competitive colleges, while low - income students will be relegated to less selective programs that may not lead to a bachelor's degree, says the report by the Commission on National Investment in Higher Education.
The test - taking techniques and strategies taught in our SAT tutoring and ACT tutoring programs enable students to earn higher test scores and gain admissions to competitive colleges and universities.
Buffalo Prep teaches tools for future success in local private high schools and highly competitive colleges and universities.
The Instituto Health Sciences Career Academy (IHSCA) provides an education focused on preparing urban youth to succeed in competitive colleges and universities, obtain job - readiness certification for entry - level positions with higher wages in health care, and gain new awareness of and seek out a healthier lifestyle.
Bachelor's degree with a GPA of at least 3.0 from a competitive college or university; Master's degree preferred.
The mission of Libertas College Preparatory Charter School is to equip middle school students in grades 4 - 8 with the academic skills and the strength of character needed to thrive in and graduate from high - performing high schools and competitive colleges.
While many high schools push poor students toward less competitive college, this New York nonprofit helps to graduate kids from top - tier schools at remarkable rates
The question of how to get kids taking the Common Core nonalgebra math on track for entrance to competitive colleges is left up to school districts.
information about how to successfully navigate transitions to high school and college and prepare for, identify, and apply to competitive colleges.
Caliber provides students with a challenging and engaging personalized education that equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in competitive colleges, careers, and communities.
The Chavez Schools mission is to prepare scholars to enter and succeed in competitive colleges.
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