Sentences with phrase «competitive employment»

In today's highly competitive employment market, your resume and cover letter need to set you apart from other applicants.
A resume for an executive assistant needs to deliver a lot of information, in a highly competitive employment environment.
He was responsible for finding competitive employment for individuals with both physical and mental barriers.
In this global and very competitive employment environment, a good resume is no longer good enough; you need a great resume to be competitive.
Its important to note that this is a very competitive employment market.
Preparing and presenting yourself to stand out in a confusing and competitive employment landscape is both an art and a science.
Developed a network of employer relationships in various industries to place program clients into competitive employment opportunities that is in line with their vocational skills and goals.
Every candidate has a unique challenge in an increasingly competitive employment environment.
They will enter an employment market that is already exhibiting an urgent need for digital skills, meaning those who possess them will have an immediate advantage in an intensely competitive employment market.
Resumes have always evolved, and right now, in an exceptionally competitive employment market, you may not know why some executive resumes work and some don't.
Unfortunately, that's not enough in today's competitive employment market, especially since those lists are outdated.
Maintained accurate case files to show clients growth throughout program into competitive employment.
In today's competitive employment sector it is increasingly important to show skills and experiences that will help you stand out in the marketplace after you graduate from college.
This systematic review aims to determine the effectiveness of pre-graduation interventions aimed at persons with autism spectrum disorders to shape behaviors, social interactions, and / or skills that result in employment in mainstream competitive employment settings.
This systematic review aims determine the effectiveness of pre-graduation interventions aimed at persons with autism spectrum disorders to shape behaviors, social interactions, and / or skills that result in employment in mainstream competitive employment settings.
Engaged clients and established trusting, collaborative relationships directed toward the goal of competitive employment in community settings.
Through its dedicated disability employment portfolio, the Center conducts research and performs evaluation activities that seeks to generate new knowledge about the impact of public policies and programs on the inclusion of people with disabilities into the workforce, and identify, through rigorous research and evaluation, promising «to work» strategies and practices in the field that are showing success in helping people with disabilities to seek and retain competitive employment.
Predictions of shrinking IT hiring, a far more competitive employment marketplace, and the reduction in the number of IT Managers are all issues for many of my clients.
Review: supported employment is better than prevocational training for increasing competitive employment rates in people with severe mental illness
From 2011 to 2012, 50 veterans found long - term, competitive employment through Project Connect.
But those changes did nothing to reintroduce competitive employment markets.
Judicial clerkships are among the most prestigious and competitive employment opportunities available to recent graduates.
We negotiate and draft competitive employment agreements for creative talent and executives, including bonus, equity, stock option, severance, and other compensation.
Don't be overly preoccupied with brand name employers since they may have the most competitive employment scenarios.
Consistently placed 62 % of eligible program participants into competitive employment exceeding program requirements
And while we aren't the «low - cost leader,» we do offer competitive employment screening pricing for the type of diligent research and hands - on client service HR professionals with high standards require; and which Clarifacts provides.
Mentor Employment Program - Assists people with disabilities to obtain competitive employment.
Project SEARCH for youth with autism spectrum disorders: Increasing competitive employment on transition from high school.
A person who is looking for a job as a receptionist should be aware of an ideal resume by going through the different Receptionist Resume Template examples that will enable him to easily secure a job in the healthy and competitive employment sector.
Developed and deployed ongoing team member engagement strategies resulting in significantly reduced turnover during period of highly competitive employment market
«We need to build strong community supports and services to eradicate these serious inequities that keep people with disabilities from achieving their dreams of competitive employment and full community integration.»
Unemployment rates remain high among individuals with psychiatric disabilities despite growing evidence that supported employment programs (SEPs) can help such individuals to obtain and retain competitive employment.
With an increasingly competitive employment market, and a distaste for knocking off your competitors in armed combat, what's a person to do to set themselves apart from the crowd and snag that job of their dreams?
Developing Your Executive Job Search Checklist Whether on your own, through an executive job search club or by hiring a professional executive resume writer and job search consultant, today's executive job seeker must be prepared to capitalize on the wealth of opportunities before them in today's competitive employment marketplace.
Employment The recession has hit young people particularly hard and created a very competitive employment environment where educational qualifications are coming under increased scrutiny and even the brightest of students can struggle to find jobs.
This systematic review aims to determine the effectiveness of pre-graduation interventions aimed at persons with autism spectrum disorders to shape behaviors, social interactions, and / or skills that result in employment in mainstream competitive employment settings.
I highly recommend Dean Tracy to anyone who needs help revamping their resume, career coaching and mentoring, or just some advice on how to market and present themselves in today's competitive employment environment.
It is still a highly competitive employment market, with employers seeking to minimize their labor expenditures by hiring and training employees who are qualified, professional, and who plan to stay a while.
Barnette, we learned, was also «living with a woman to whom he was not married» at the time and, on June 6, 1969, received a letter from the US Civil Service Commission advising that he did «not meet the suitability requirements for employment in the competitive
The impact from Work Experience plus PIVOT is over 400 individuals each year, moving from Work Experience to competitive employment.
The Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network (GLADNET) provides a forum for research centres, universities, enterprises, government departments, trade unions, and organizations of and for persons with disabilities to discuss international programs and policy reforms with respect to competitive employment and training opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Through a pilot study underway at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, inpatients with SCI are being connected with vocational services that prepare them to return to competitive employment.
Together, they have prepared over 3,000 low income, mostly minority high school students with disabilities for competitive employment.
Yet, despite this progress, students with disabilities continue to lag disproportionately behind their peers which results in far too many not graduating high school, receiving career training, entering college and working in integrated and competitive employment.
The goal is to teach students the skills necessary for success in the general education setting and to transition them, as appropriate, back to a less restrictive environment within their home school districts, competitive employment and / or independent living.

Phrases with «competitive employment»

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