Sentences with phrase «compiling ideas and resources»

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In these curated guides, Burns has compiled resources to help you find apps, learn about best practices, and explore ideas for engaging activities.
In this curated guide, we've compiled resources to help you find apps, learn about best practices, and explore ideas for engaging activities.
Twice a week, NCLE compiles an education brief: news stories, resources, blog posts I would otherwise have missed and fresh teaching ideas (like using e-mail spam to teach persuasive writing).
Julie Knapp, an MCGT member, has compiled a full menu of articles, curriculum ideas, helpful suggestions, friendly advice, links to lots of online resources, and a little homeschool humor, on the side.
The «Write Great Resumes Faster» Special Report (available for immediate download as a digital file) contains hundreds of ideas and resources compiled by Bridget (Weide) Brooks, CPRW, editor of Resume Writers»» Digest, a trade newsletter for professional resume writers.
I've compiled a more comprehensive list of ideas, incorporating my favourite advice from positive parenting authors and experts, in a new printable resource called:
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