Sentences with phrase «complain about my results»

I stick to the basic value metrics as I mentioned in the post and so far I can not complain about my results.
So if no one complains about the results, then Wenger would have no reason to leave.
In the aftermath of the EU referendum, the worst thing Labour can do is complain about the result.
On a state primary day, and during a hotly contested presidential campaign, Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday issued a somewhat nonpartisan message to New Yorkers: Vote — or don't complain about the results.
On a state primary day, and during a hotly contested presidential campaign, Governor Cuomo issued a somewhat non-partisan message to New Yorkers: vote, or don't complain about the results.
In the Second Republic, the opposition did not only complain about the results of the presidential election, they openly called for military takeover.
On a state primary day, and during a hotly contested presidential campaign Governor Cuomo issued a somewhat non-partisan message to New Yorkers - vote - or don't complain about the results.
1) While I added about equal quantities of fat and muscle, ascetically I can not complain about the results 2) I adhered to the density bulking protocol in back loading which is the more aggressive regimen, had I stuck with Kiefer's other plan, I believe my fat increase wouldn't have been so great 3) Similar to my training during IF, I adhered to strength only workouts, i.e., I wasn't CrossFitting — coincidentally, this is also what Kiefer recommends in the book.
This didn't materialise, although one Managing Director complained about the results because they thought the salaries were too high!

Not exact matches

He has two outstanding trafficking charges resulting from two 2010 police raids on CALM when it was in a different location; a neighbour complained about the smell, he explains in his second - floor office as he puffs a large joint.
While many viewers complain about NBC's tape - delay tradition, the network maintains that the practice is better for ratings as NBC claims female viewers (who actually make up the bulk of the Olympics» audience) watch sports differently than men do, with women investing more in coverage showing athletes» journeys to the games than in the actual results.
Facebook says the updates are the result of a federal court order after users complained about their names and photos being used to endorse products in Facebook ads.
In the resulting, and very public letter to Alaska Airlines, Zuckerberg said that when she complained to the flight attendants, they told her he is a frequent Alaska Airlines traveler and has been spoken to about his behavior before.
As a result of that, Kogan said the Centre had complained about him to the university — and SCL had written a letter to it on his behalf defending his actions.
Don't start complaining about Facebook becoming more expensive to get results from.
The CEO began his answer by complaining about leaks from inside the company, then pivoted to investors whom he considered wrongly focused on short - term results.
Some people over at Susan's site also complained about bready results.
But in the past few weeks the sector took a fresh round of hits when franchise group Aussie Farmers collapsed, RFG announced an $ 88 million loss and flagged up to 200 franchise - run stores would close, while pizza giant Domino's reported disappointing results on the back of franchisees complaining about a brutal business model, and Caltex announced it was ditching its franchise model days before a damning report was released by the workplace regulator that found 76 per cent of its franchised stores had payroll compliance breaches that included underpaying workers.
It seems a little bit churlish to complain about things that Arsene Wenger has done after Arsenal won an away game 2 - 0, but just as I look for positives after a disappointing result, I do feel that there were a few strange decisions from the Frenchman at Sunderland today.
Well last 2 games we got the results and not the football, the 2 before that it was the opposite, people were complaining about dropping points to Hull.
What surprises me is that, Allegri does not complain about this injury crisis, like most managers do, but just goes about getting results.
We are worth that much without any arab or russian backing us, that is an achievement you are boasting which is a result of our miserly spending that we complain about.
There'll be little for Arsenal fans to complain about in this one, but there is one thing that's got their supporters concerned... if results continue as they've gone this week, Arsene Wenger might actually stay!
The result you're complaining about is the very result we should hope for in a society that truly values free speech.
But so far, all that has resulted from that is tweets complaining about spoilers and / or NBC's tape - delay decisions, Lil Wayne becoming Michael Phelps» biggest fan and Ryan Seacrest's horribly forced «Social Media» segments during the primetime broadcast.
I know people complain about his style of football, but he gets his results and I always wanted to see him being given a crack at the Villa job, but I know I will probably be in the minority of that one.
But if the definition of insanity is «doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result» why do some football watchers do exactly this, by complaining about Wenger on phone ins, in the media and everywhere and anywhere else they can find.
-LSB-...] If another parent complains about how tired she is, tell her how well rested you are as a result of co-sleeping.
If your child is complaining about other children at school it may be the result of needing better social skills, whether it is the other children or your own.
I had another «friend» several years back with a different child whom was only 6, call the principal of the school to complain about an incident between the children resulting in my child getting in trouble when both children were equally at fault.
Which result in people complaining to their stores about their pet food quality ground beef.
Many of the things people complain about these days are a result of not doing practices that benefit baby AND mother.
More of his colleagues joined the movement after Trump fired back at the congressman on Twitter, saying he should spend more time fixing his «crime - infested district» than «falsely complaining» about the election results.
President Akufo - Addo last week complained bitterly about how section of Ghanaians are criticizing his administration and expecting results from him as though he has been in power for more than five years.
In 2012, Swinson complained about a L'Oreal ad featuring actress Rachel Weisz, objecting that it had been digitally manipulated and claiming that it «misrepresented the results that the product could achieve».
Whoever wanted to protest against the result was disarmed by Jonathan's stance not to complain publicly about the result or go to court to challenge it.
Complaining about a rigged election — and saying that he might not respect the results of it — could hurt Trump's chances of getting his supporters out to the polls on Election Day, Langworthy added.
Ms Hatton has been complaining about the ERCSD election results for -LSB-...]
The head of the Buffalo Teachers Federation has long complained about constant testing of students and how test results are used in evaluation of teachers.
Leading U.S. scientists have complained about threatening communications and abusive e-mails as a result of their research on the climate impact of heat - trapping gases from human activity.
«We had employees or contractors at the well site on a regular basis and none of them ever complained about feeling sick as a result of being near the tank,» Williams» letter states.
After many years of trying endless diets (like Auverda, high protein, anti-Candida, gluten free, etc.) and healing therapies to balance my health with no results, I visited the doctor complaining about low abdominal pains.
Hair Fall Reduction: Several individuals complain about hair fall and are on the lookout for an alternative system to pills, treatments for long - lasting results.
Properly strength training, as well as performing high intensity interval training, is going to give you better results in less time than you'd spend complaining about how boring your steady state cardio is.
You should not look on the first couple of pages of the search results since it will be full of their own advertisement content, go to the second or third page and you may see forum posts what customers are complaining about, no site is perfect but too many complains is truly a bad sign.
You should not look on the first couple of pages of the search results since it will be full of their own advertisement content, go to the second or third page and you may see forum posts what customers are saying and complaining about, no site is perfect but too many complains is truly a bad sign.
The announcements about the new reboot of Marvel's Fantastic Four as a feature film from director Josh Trank (Chronicle) have resulted in, well, a lot of complaining on the Internet.
As a result, the film is looser and less intense than Yates» previous films, but it will most likely please Rowling fans, who are still likely to complain about a great many things that may have been left out from the text, a bit more now that the balance of character touches and plot are a bit more representative of the style of the book.
Throughout the festival, attendees (myself included) could be heard complaining about the screening delays resulting from the metal detectors and extra-meticulous bag checks.
• Some of the same folks who are complaining about the «indecipherable» display presented to the board are also urging it to add on more indicators and the results of student subgroups to the summary display.
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