Sentences with phrase «complete authority»

Once delivered and approved from you, you will have complete authority over your academic work, resting assured that your grades are in safe hands.
By using «I» statements, the dialogue shifts from an external placement to complete authority of self - expression.
A power of attorney can grant complete authority or can be limited to certain acts and / or certain periods of time.
When a person has full physical or legal custody, she has complete authority regarding those matters.
Macarthur preaches with complete authority... the admonishment in scripture is to do that.
Crosby brought real professionalism and asked for and got complete authority.
Governor - elect Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that mayoral control should mean complete authority.
Charter schools are supposed to have complete authority within their walls — authority to hire, fire and otherwise evaluate teachers as they see fit without outside requirements — in exchange for being held accountable for their students» success.
Grant another person or organization complete authority to act on your CollegeInvest Direct Portfolio account (s).
Some firms talk a nice game about the importance of social media to their marketing and business development, but then delegate complete authority for social media to a young partner or a communications staffer.
Before the transfer was completed the authority began possession proceedings based on rent arrears.
If not for the governor, they would never have returned to the table or agreed to this deal since they kept insisting that principals and the chancellor should have total and complete authority over teacher evaluations.»
Having spent over 30 years designing, installing, repairing and maintaining industrial manufacturing and power generation heating and cooling equipment I can state with complete authority, the argument of cooling towers adding significantly to atmospheric moisture is either misinformed, misinformation, or both.
BUT when His disciples were finally infilled with the Holy Spirit - they «arrived «sort of speak, to the level of UNDERSTANDING that IN JESUS NAME there is the complete authority of F, S and HS, and that it is totally SUFFICIENT (enough and more than enough) to immerse in the name of the Lord Jesus!
He said that (in the name of the F, S and HS) BECAUSE it was the LAST opportunity for Him to confirm HIS inheritance which they will inherit eventually — and that was THE COMPLETE AUTHORITY of God Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
It's probably a good thing that parents are encouraged to question all of our parenting decisions these days, in sharp contrast to the days in which parents were allowed to have complete authority with absolutely no societal check at all.
They think they are the governing body of the Chicago Park District, appointed by Mayor Washington and confirmed by the city council to have complete authority over the park system's 7,300 acres, its 3,400 employees and its $ 320 million annual budget.
As a mom of two boys, I feel like have the complete authority to say that the Pee - Pee cover is not a need or a want: most moms are going to hate this and I'll tell you.
«If the situation so arises that (we) need to use firearms, my officers have complete authority,» the police chief told broadcaster NDTV.
One is that the administration has the complete authority to put the evaluation into place.
Holtz suggested the job at DPI would give him «complete authority» over districts in Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, Racine and potentially Green Bay.
In Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases, the bankruptcy court exercises its complete authority over the cases through a person called the «bankruptcy trustee».
The Board or Committee shall have complete authority to decide whether counsel may attend the hearing but both complainant and defendant shall be treated uniformly in that regard.
The Board shall have complete authority to decide whether counsel may attend the hearing, but both complainant and defendant shall be treated uniformly in that regard.
Later on, I would immediately make parallels between Jenova / Sephiroth's control, and the Ingsoc government of the novel 1984 with their complete authority over the thoughts and motivations of their citizens.
However, the restrictions on American offshore oil and gas production has always been precarious; the executive branch has complete authority to decide what happens in the federal waters of the outer continental shelf, from 3 to 200 miles out to sea.
Justice Thomas's dissent in the same case cites 59 sources to establish the fact that the founding generation believed parents had complete authority over their children's development...
In regards to fact and guidelines, the violations committed by IndiaFirst Life Insurance are grave, and IRDA has the complete authority to exercise its powers under section 102 of the Act, and thus has imposed a penalty of Rs 5 Lakhs for violation.»
The latest statement released will ensure that insurance companies don't have the complete authority when it comes to writing the rule book and the customers» interests are taken care of, too.
Each of the groups above has some authority in matters, but not a single group has complete authority.
This still doesn't mean miners have complete authority, for without users, Bitcoin won't have value and if it has no value, the rewards miners earn will be worthless.
It's simply too vast a field to become a complete authority in; a field upon which the goal posts are always moving.
When sole custody is granted, the custodial parent has complete authority to make decisions on behalf of the child, such as medical care, education, and where to live.
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