Sentences with phrase «complete document viewer»

It is the most complete document viewer application for Android devices, allowing users to open native DOC, DOCX, TXT, XLS, XLSX, CSV, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX and PDF files and attachments.

Not exact matches

So cagey is Rahim's performance that it's not until his character goes to deliver faked documents to an Algerian Jewish family — he discovers the parents have already been arrested and rescues their two small daughters — that the viewer is entirely sure his transformation from small - time black market dealer to freedom fighter is complete.
Masterful manipulation of light, scale and viewpoint simultaneously documents a particular place in time and suggests events beyond the picture plane, inviting the viewer to complete the story with a personal narrative.
On display are completed publications including rough notes, sketches, and other process documents that were generated in the making of a zine to give viewers a deeper insight to the experiences of zine creators.
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